To Steal a Prince
    “I’ll owe you one.” Nic waves his hand, and a palace car emerges from behind the fountain.
    I need to learn how to do that. I’d never need to hotwire again if I could simply summon cars.
    Nic lets me open my own door. He sits beside me, uncomfortably close with his bulky body. As the driver pulls away, Nic puts up the partition.
    “There’s something else I wanted to discuss with you before we get back. I reviewed the security tapes from the museum. There’s only one suspicious point. There’s a gap in the footage, but this girl’s bag is different from one frame to the next. Look familiar?”
    The pheasant turns in my stomach as I look over the pictures. It’s obviously me, bag and all. I’m still wearing the same clothes.
    “You think I stole the crown?” I thrust the pictures back at him. “I didn’t know I wasn’t allowed to be a tourist.”
    “I never said you stole anything … besides the Koenigsegg, of course. The prince is in possession of the crown, so it seems there’s no criminal to pursue.”
    In the partition, my reflection glares back at me. I hope it’s convincing. “You still think I took it, though. So why take me back?”
    Nic’s reflection betrays no emotion. “I can handle a challenge.”
    Great. I thought he and I were starting to get along, but it looks like we’re back to square one.
    The ride back to the palace goes quickly, though Nic and I sit in silence. The gates open for me once again, then shut me inside. My only consolation is that the prince is in here too.
    The car comes to a halt in front of the main staircase.
    “Go in and wait for me,” Nic says. “I still haven’t decided what to do with you.” Reaching over, he opens the door. I step out before he decides to push me.
    My palms sweat as I walk inside. What’s he going to do, tell on me? But then why did he insist that I come back in the first place? Does he just want to show his boss how great he is at security by humiliating me? I’d really rather not find out.
    Regret washes over me as I lean against a pillar. I’ve been back for two minutes and I’m already sick of the games and uncertainty. This is why I left in the first place.
    “Are you feeling all right?”
    Damon approaches in a coal blazer. His eyes have taken on a blue slate color. How does he manage to make it feel like my problems don’t exist?
    “I’m feeling better now.”
    “You have your bag. Are you leaving?”
    I remember what Nic told me about the prince’s ego. He was probably exaggerating, but it’s better to be safe than sorry.
    “Of course not,” I say. “I just wanted to get some air.”
    “Mind if I join you?”
    “Well … I told Nic that I was going, and he asked me to wait for him here.”
    “Nic? You don’t need him. I can escort you on a walk around the grounds.”
    I pause. I don’t want to anger the bodyguard, especially when he has something over me. But if I tell Damon why I need to wait for Nic, I might as well reveal everything.
    “What’s wrong? Do you not trust me to protect you?” Damon teases. “I’m just as scary as Nic if I don’t get enough coffee in the morning.”
    “And have you gotten your caffeine fix today?”
    “Not yet, luckily for you.” He holds out an arm. “Would you like an extended tour?”
    I hesitate. His arm is tempting, but there’s something more important I need to ask.
    “What is it?” He lowers his arm slowly, and I can tell he’s hurt by my rejection.
    “Nic was telling me about security…”
    Damon puts his hands in his pockets. “Then he should have told you that it’s perfectly safe within the palace walls. Guards, cameras, motion sensors. Nothing can hurt you here.”
    “It’s not that.” I pause, wondering if there’s a way to ask this without losing any trust he has in me.
    He looks at me expectantly.
    “What did you do with the crown?”
    Instead of bristling, he relaxes. “That’s all? I put in in my room.”

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