Tokyo Hearts: A Japanese Love Story
Takashi could reply, leaving him to stare blankly at Yuriko and Jun. Takashi had met Yuriko a few years ago, but he didn’t recognise her when he first walked in the room because she’d lost so much weight. He certainly wanted to know how well Haruka knew this Jun guy. He certainly spoke to her like they were boyfriend and girlfriend. Even though he was sitting down, it was obvious that he was taller that six foot. His eyes were as black as midnight and he wore a permanent scowl that lined his deeply tanned face. Jun had an unnatural look about him – his colour was definitely the effect of many hours lying on a sun bed, and when he attempted a smile, Takashi could see that his tombstone teeth had been artificially whitened by the dentist. Takashi wondered why Haruka thought he was attractive. Jun certainly had the arrogance and the look of a player.
    Takashi was even more concerned when it became apparent that Mrs Yoshino found Jun captivating. She really seemed to be fascinated by Jun, leaning into him like he was the only person in the room. She sat opposite him and gave him her full attention. Takashi wasn’t the jealous type, but he was getting quite wound up watching her dote on Jun’s every word. It seemed to Takashi that the attention that he’d once received from Haruka’s mother was now being wholly directed at this Jun character.
    Takashi tried to look at him now and again, attempting to be inconspicuous. Unfortunately, he did look very cool, dressed in a white T-shirt and navy chino trousers. But Takashi couldn’t help noticing that he also had a very annoying habit of running his fingers through his hair every few minutes. He was obviously very conceited.
    Unfortunately, Mrs Yoshino seemed to be quite taken by this conceit. Takashi was hurt, but really not so surprised, because next to Jun, he must have looked dishevelled and sweaty from his long day out in the heat.
    Haruka finally came back from the kitchen holding a long glass of chilled barley tea. She handed it to Takashi with an apologetic look.
    ‘That’s a lovely flower arrangement on the bookcase behind you, Mrs Yoshino,’ Jun pointed out.
    Takashi hadn’t noticed it until now, but he wished that he had and that it was him paying the compliment instead of Jun, who really knew how to charm Haruka’s mother. It was upsetting Takashi quite a bit.
    ‘Thank you, Jun,’ said Mrs Yoshino. ‘Haruka and I take a flower arranging class every Saturday morning.’
    ‘I can see that you’re both very talented,’ said Jun. ‘It’s great seeing you all again. I’m only infune until tomorrow afternoon, and then I have to return to Kyoto. I was telling Yuriko earlier, before we came over, that I was hoping to see you again, Mrs Yoshino. You’re originally from Chiba Prefecture, aren’t you?’ asked Jun.
    ‘Yes, that’s right Jun,’ she replied. ‘And you’re from Kyoto of course. Kyoto is such a lovely place.’
    ‘Have you been to Kyoto recently?’ Jun asked Mrs Yoshino.
    ‘No, we haven’t,’ Mrs Yoshino said, staring up at the crooked picture on the opposite wall. ‘We visited your parents about three years ago in Kyoto, but my husband and I haven’t been back since.’
    Mrs Yoshino stood up, leaned over to fluff up a cushion and having done that, walked over to the facing wall and adjusted a picture of a seaside village scene slightly to the left. She stepped back to check and see whether it was level. ‘We didn’t get to do much sightseeing in Kyoto and I regret that,’ Mrs Yoshino continued. She adjusted the picture again a little further to the left, and having done so, came back over to sit down again.
    ‘Well, you should definitely come and visit my family and me in Kyoto again,’ Jun suggested. There was a strong conviction in his voice.
    Mrs Yoshino’s eyes lit up. ‘Wouldn’t that be wonderful, Haruka!’ she said, looking at her daughter.
    ‘Yes, mother,’ Haruka replied obediently, but there was excitement

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