Total Package
keeping you under wraps.”
    “Misty, if you touch him, your takes are going to make you look like a hag,” Sidney said quietly, dangerously.
    Another model came to study Sidney and then all of them clustered around her. “My gosh, you’re gorgeous, Sid.”
    Danya eased slightly away as the models surrounded Sidney. It was easy to see that they really cared for her, that their remarks were those of delight and discovery, not of jealousy.
    “Look at those earrings. I’ve never seen you in earrings.”
    “Yeah, well, they’re borrowed from Danya. They were his mother’s. Just don’t touch the flower.”
    “Oh, his mother’s earrings and he gave you a corsage. Isn’t that romantic, girls?”
    Sidney looked up at Danya. “Romantic?” she whispered unevenly.
    He recognized the stark fear in her expression, the widening of her eyes, the trembling of those soft lips. “We’re friends,” he stated as he reached to draw Sidney close to him.
    “It’s not a real date or anything, ladies. I just had to turn up and please the brass. He’s doing me a favor.”
    “Then let me do my job.” Danya drew her away from the women. He didn’t want Sidney frightened of a situation that might implicate a long-term commitment.
    Sidney introduced him to a realm of executives who seemed even more fascinated with her appearance.
    “Dance later?” one of the men asked as his gaze took in Sidney’s curved body.
    “We’ve danced before, Ed. You didn’t like it,” she said.
    “Things are looking quite different now, Sid. I’ll like it.”
    Danya held his breath. Every decision Sidney made had to be hers. He relaxed slightly when Sidney eased back against him. Over her head, he leveled a cold meaningful stare at Ed. The other man frowned slightly, then nodded as if he understood.
    As Sidney and Danya danced later, he met Alexi’s stare; the Stepanov family recognized his claiming of Sidney. Now all Danya had to do was to make certain that she understood that she was already a part of his heart, that already she was his wife, without frightening her.
    Then there was the matter of Ben. Danya didn’t want Sidney on the rebound, still loving Ben.
    Danya’s patience in handling Sidney hadn’t been easy;earlier while he’d shaved and she’d come to study him, he’d recognized the desire in those beautiful large brown eyes; he’d felt her body quiver, the call of it starkly answered by his own taut one. The towel around his hips had been slightly damp and had revealed his bold erection.
    His brief experience with Sidney had been very painful, but he could wait.
    She had to know her own mind and he could be very patient.
    While they danced, Danya forced himself to follow Sidney’s abrupt push and shove lead. It didn’t really matter to him, so long as her arms were around him, her body tight against his.
    “You’re awfully big and hard to move around,” she whispered.
    “Let’s try something different—put your arms around my neck and just rest a while.”
    “But that would squash my flower, wouldn’t it?”
    “We’ll be careful.”
    “Maybe this isn’t such a good idea,” Sidney whispered as she rested close to Danya.
    In the privacy of a shadowy corner, they swayed to the music. Those dark brown eyes studied him for a moment and then Sidney stood on tiptoe, reached for his head and tugged him down to her.
    Her kiss was open and hot and he sank into it, his hands open on her body, dragging her close to him. The sounds that came from deep inside her throat were those of a woman aching for fulfillment, her body pressing, moving against his.
    In the shadows of the dance floor, the heat rose too quickly between them. “Sidney—”
    Her hands ran inside his jacket, up over his back, her breath coming in short pants against his cheek.
    Sidney was explosively aroused, the heat pouring from her and Danya had to move fast. “Let’s go.”
    He intended to take her someplace quiet, where he could soothe and cool the

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