Toys from Santa

Toys from Santa by Lexie Davis

Book: Toys from Santa by Lexie Davis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lexie Davis
Tags: Siren Classic
covered his eyes. She crawled over his body, sliding her wet pussy against the hard muscles of his chest. “Open your mouth.”
    He did, and she gave him herself, straddling his head until her pussy lips touched his lips. She gasped when he licked her. Her fingers wrapped around the headboard for support as his tongue explored. God, she loved this. He nearly made her come undone within seconds of his tongue touching her. She backed away, sliding down his body, unable to resist a kiss.
    “You make me so wet. I spent the whole party thinking about fucking you tonight.” She kissed her way from his lips to his ear, where she whispered, “I had to go to the bathroom to finger myself to get some relief.”
    He gulped, his Adam’s apple bobbing.
    Jenny smiled at his reaction, knowing she wasn’t torturing only him, but herself, as well. “I want a real orgasm. One with your dick inside me, filling and stretching me until I can think only of you.”
    She grabbed the handy, banana-flavored condom she’d put on the nightstand earlier. She tore the package open and moved down his body. Hoping she didn’t totally screw this up, she put the condom in her mouth and bent forward to put it on him. She moved her lips and tongue in concert, using the roof of her mouth to position the condom over the head of his cock, and then pushed down slowly. The thin rubber rolled down perfectly.
    “Untie me.” Dane’s voice wasn’t playful but demanding. “Now.”
    Jenny should have said something smart, held him at her mercy and made him beg for freedom. But the truth was, she wanted his hands on her, his fingers inside her. She wanted his touch, his lips, his body, all of it. She finished working the condom down his shaft and rose to untie Dane’s hands.
    He ripped off the blindfold and immediately ran his fingers through her hair, pulling her down for his kiss. His tongue snaked inside her mouth, demanding she submit to him. She loved every minute of it. His lips took hers, his hands holding her face in place while he continued his assault. This was most definitely the only man she wanted to spend her life with.
    “Untie my feet.”
    She did, and he pulled her to him, sliding his cock inside her with one thrust. After that, the only conversation they had was a mixture of moans and groans with a few obscenities thrown into the air as Dane fucked her. He came with harsh grunt and buried his face between her breasts. Jenny held onto him, loving every second that she made him lose control.
    “You are one wicked woman.” He shifted her slightly to his side and disposed of the condom. “God, did you plan that for my birthday?”
    “Something of the sort.” She crawled to the headboard and lay in the middle of the bed, closing her eyes without a care in the world. “Did you like it?”
    The mattress dipped with his weight. “What do you think, sweetheart?”
    Dane undressed her and wrapped them both in the comforter on their bed. Even though she was a little homesick, being with Dane made everything okay. She laid her head on his chest and listened to his heartbeat.
    “Before I forget, I have a surprise for you.”
    Jenny lifted her head. The last time he’d said that he’d given her the monstrous diamond ring on her left hand. A slow smile crept across her face. “What did you do?”
    “Well, after you kicked me out of our house, I went to finalize some things at work, and I ended up talking to my brother. I asked Shawn if he’d come out to help me with a new project, since he has more insight. He and Shelly are flying out tomorrow, and they’re staying until you two leave for your conference.”
    “Are you serious?” Tears sprang to her eyes. He hated her sister and had invited her to spend two weeks with them because it would make Jenny happy. Her heart filled with nothing but love for him.
    He brushed his fingers along her spine. “Yes. You can spend two weeks with Shelly before the conference. Shawn was actually thrilled

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