Tracie Peterson

Tracie Peterson by Hearts Calling

Book: Tracie Peterson by Hearts Calling Read Free Book Online
Authors: Hearts Calling
big for him to undertake. “I do,” she whispered.
    “Good. Now you and my son need to get to bed. It’s late, and nothing can be gained by your collapsing on the floor.” With that, Riley lifted Zandy into his arms and carried her down the hall.
    After seeing his wife to bed, Riley went alone to search the immediate grounds for Pamela. Perhaps she’d fallen asleep somewhere. Riley felt angry that she would be so heartless as to leave Zandy wondering and fretting over her safety. But, even if she had run off, Riley reasoned, he wasn’t about to let it bring harm to his wife and child.
    Seeing nothing unreasonable, and no sign of a sleeping or otherwise entangled Pamela, Riley decided morning would be soon enough to bother the sheriff. Now, he only had to reason with Zandy and see to it that she kept herself from doing something foolish.
    Before Riley could make his way from the house the next morning, a note was delivered by a young boy. Riley looked down at the paper addressed to him and asked the child who’d sent the letter.
    “Don’t know,” the boy said with a shrug. “Somebody I ain’t never seen afore. Gave me a nickel and said I should bring this note to you in the mornin’.”
    Riley opened the folded letter and read:
    I’ve taken your wife because you don’t deserve her. If I’d known of your ways and how you planned to force her into a loveless marriage, I would never have let you take her. Now she’s safe and can make the choice for herself.
    Riley reread it quickly, the truth only now starting to stink in. The boy was already halfway down the path, but Riley called him back.
    “What did the man look like?” he asked the child and flipped him another nickel.
    The boy’s face lit up as he caught the coin. “He weren’t any taller than you. He had brown hair. Jes sorta regular lookin’.”
    “Nothing special about him?” Riley asked. “Think hard.”
    “Nope,” the boy answered, shaking his head. “He was just a man.” Riley nodded and let the boy go.
    “What’s your name, Son?” Riley thought to call out.
    “Brian,” the boy answered. “Brian Masters.”
    Riley wasted little time. He pushed the note deep into his pocket and went to saddle his horse. It was now all too clear that Pamela had been taken. But, Riley reminded himself with barely controlled rage, it was Alexandra the culprit had been after!
    Riley explained the situation to the sheriff and gave all the details of Pamela’s disappearance before heading back to the mansion. He left out the news of the note, fearing that if he told anyone, word would get back to Zandy. He had no desire to further worry her with thoughts that someone was after her. Riley wondered what the kidnapper’s next step would be, once he realized that Pamela wasn’t who he thought she was.
    At home, Zandy met him at the door and questioned him about his visit with the sheriff.
    “Did you tell him that she might have run away?” she asked.
    Riley put his arm around her. “No, I think you were probably right. I think someone has taken her.”
    Burley and Ruth Stewart stood inside the library’s open doors. They exchanged a glance before Burley stepped forward. “What makes you so certain, Riley?”
    Riley wouldn’t give away the fact that he’d received the note, but he had to offer something that seemed logical. “Zandy made a good point in regards to Pamela. She wouldn’t have left her things behind. Not only that, no money or horses are missing, and the things of value that she owned, like her silver comb and brush, are still on the dresser upstairs.”
    Burley nodded. “You suppose that Rayburn guy came and took her?”
    “I kind of doubt it,” Riley said with a sigh. Zandy lifted her face to note the weariness in her husband’s eyes. She thought she saw fear there too, but dismissed it as Riley continued, “I know Rayburn’s type. He’s probably already working on another conquest. That’s the trouble with young women of

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