being popular mean you have lots
of friends?!) But after everything I went through with Lizzie in
the past few months, I learned that true friendship is more
important than sitting with the “cool kids” at lunch.

Character Interview with Chelsea
    This character interview was held by Tiffany
from For Those About to Read. Chelsea’s answers are by Michelle
    Tiffany: What is the biggest thing you have
learned after everything you have been through with Lizzie?
    Chelsea: The biggest thing I learned was the
importance of finding out all the facts about a situation before
taking action. When people hurt me, I act out without thinking
about the consequences. I got caught up in my emotions, and acted
in ways I shouldn’t have. I never would have done what I did if I
understood what it really meant. If Lizzie, Drew, and I hadn’t been
able to fix my mistake, I never would have forgiven myself. I’m
glad everything worked out, and I will always try to be more aware
of the consequences of my actions in the future.
    Tiffany: Describe yourself Twitter
    Chelsea: @_ChelseaGivens: High school junior
in the middle of nowhere, NH. Loves to go out and have fun with
friends. Can’t wait to graduate and get out of this town!
    Tiffany: Describe your ideal man.
    Chelsea: A few weeks ago I would have said
Drew. But after what happened over the holiday season, I saw that
he loves Lizzie, so I’m over him now. Besides the obvious necessity
of my ideal man being attractive, I want him to love me more than
anyone else. He should also be smart, driven to succeed, and
sophisticated. Does that sound like you? Tweet me ;)
    Tiffany: We have found out about Lizzie's
talents through Remembrance, but we don't know about your talents.
What do you excel at?
    Chelsea: Most people who don’t know me are
shocked when they hear this answer—I excel in academics. I take
many advanced classes, and I’m organized, which is useful when it
comes to note-taking and study habits. I excel in history, English,
and the sciences, and plan on being pre-law in college. I am on the
mock trial and debate teams, which meet after school on alternating
days. I’m hoping to be captain of the debate team in my senior
    Tiffany: Our male readers would love to hear
your idea of the perfect date, can you share?
    Chelsea: To start, he would pick me up. (Guys
should always pick up the girl—even if she’s not on his way—because
it’s the right thing to do.) We would go out to dinner at an
upscale restaurant on the lake with a table overlooking the water,
and he should pay, of course. Then we would go on a walk, and the
conversation should flow so easily that neither of us should
realize how much time has passed.
    Tiffany: What makes Lizzie such an awesome
friend (pre-Drew drama)?
    Chelsea: Lizzie is a great person—she listens
to what people say, she offers advice (but not in a forceful way),
she doesn’t judge, and she’s fun to hang out with. She’s also
smart, and values doing well in school as much as I do. I never
feel like I have to try to be someone I’m not around Lizzie, which
makes it easy to spend time with her.
    Tiffany: What is your number one rule of
    Chelsea: Don’t make moves on your friends
boyfriend. It never ends well.
    Tiffany: There is a scene in Remembrance where Lizzie describes why you mean so
much to her and recounts a memory from when the two of you were
younger. I know you and Lizzie have been through a lot, but what is
your favorite memory of her?
    Chelsea: All seventh grade students at Beech
Tree go on a weekend field trip to Salem, MA. (We have a big unit
on the witch trials in seventh grade.) The hotel we stayed in was
supposedly haunted by witches who were killed in the trials, and
Lizzie was so scared that she couldn’t fall asleep. Every time we
heard a noise in the hall, or a creaking in the room, one of

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