
Traveler by Ashley Bourgeois

Book: Traveler by Ashley Bourgeois Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ashley Bourgeois
as Rogue, snapped shut his spyglass with a grin, looked up at the helm to where Rahim leaned and his brown hair whipped around his head, pulled back like the captain’s into a leather thong. "Cap'n! Ship starboard side!" Rahim's lips split into a slow grin. "Well then...let's give her a proper welcome..."  Maybe these people would know the origins of this mysterious mermaid Luc pulled from the depths.  Curious, that.  But for now, he didn’t have time to worry about this new guest aboard his vessel.  He had a ship to plunder and riches to obtain.  
    Luc swiftly strung up friendly colors, the flag a black background with a gold snake, tongue out and prominent, moving to make a show of it, a false show of friendship to the other ship before he came in for the kill, so to speak. The ship was large, and her plunder would surely be glorious.
    Rahim presented their broadside, the wind whipping through his hair, a grin on his face. Light, it had been nearly two weeks since he had last plundered...and it had been far too long.  He pulled up just close enough, the crew waving genially to the crew on the other a false sense of security.
    The unsuspecting crew waved back as the other sailing ship drew alongside them, each one going about their business.
    Rahim let the flag fall, his eyes hard as he studied the other ship, letting the tattered dragon banner fly. As one, his men stormed the ship, grappling hooks and sabers out in readiness.
    Aislin stared up at the ceiling.  Something was going on above her..cheering, shouting, metallic banging against each other...what in the world could be going on?  “Please don’t let me die in this god-forsaken place,” she muttered. “Not before I even find out where I am...”
    Rahim stood with Luc, the last two to leave their ship and sail over to the one that would soon join them. Gods, he loved the thrill of this. Luc ran ahead of him, and Rahim moved swiftly, his sword slicing down those who resisted, a wolfish grin on his face. Luc ducked below decks. "I'm going to check the passenger's quarters," he called, and Rahim saw him disappear.
    Luc stalked the halls, Rahim close behind him. He had heard voices...and the passenger cabins were more full than they should have been if this was just a cargo ship....there were people here. Luc's sharp ears picked up the slamming of a door, and he motioned for Rah. "In here," he murmured.
    Rahim went in first into the cabin, motioning Luc onward when he saw someone in the room, and fast asleep at that.  This was going to be easier than he thought.   Kill the sleeping occupant, steal the valuables...a perfect heist.  It gave him pause, though, when he noticed that the occupant of the room was a girl.  A beautiful, raven-haired girl lay sleeping in the bed.  Rahim crept closer, his dark blue eyes studying her in the darkness.
    Loose dark curls spilled wildly over the pillows as the bed’s sole occupant slept deeply, unaware of the dangers above.  The cabins of the ship had been magicked, to keep the sleepers inside comfortable and resting despite the noises going on above their heads.  The richly decorated blankets had slipped down towards her waist, revealing the alabaster white of her thin nightgown...the bodice open just enough to hint at the pale flesh beneath.  Her eyelashes were full and dark against her pale cheeks, her lips curved in a faint smile.  Whatever she was dreaming of, it must be something pleasant.
    His head was cocked to the side, studying her curiously.  There was something familiar about her, something that called to him.   A little boy was laughing and holding his hand out to a raven-haired little girl, barely confident enough to run without falling.  They shared adventures, even if only for a day; they shared laughter.  She was his only friend.  He frowned.  She was long gone by now, married to some lord or another.  This girl just happened to have similar features.  He

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