Trigger Warning: Extreme Horror: Contains Strong Sexual Content, Violence, Drug Use, and Language.

Trigger Warning: Extreme Horror: Contains Strong Sexual Content, Violence, Drug Use, and Language. by John Raptor

Book: Trigger Warning: Extreme Horror: Contains Strong Sexual Content, Violence, Drug Use, and Language. by John Raptor Read Free Book Online
Authors: John Raptor
freak…splattered in blood…dragging me by the ankles like some kinda goddam caveman…through the maze of halls…toward its rape room. Oh God, I’m still on the first floor, my long blonde hair spread out behind me as I’m pulled toward a wooden door…I think it’s the door that leads down into the…
    I start screaming, my throat sore with it. I remember the time I swallowed so much cum I got strep throat. Worked so hard to feed my girls and my junk habit, then had to pay for a doctor’s visit and antibiotics. Despite my cravings for the junk, I bought the girls boxes of Mac n’ Cheese.
    My muscles ached; nose running and skin sweating. Couldn’t stop shitting and vomiting. Couldn’t sleep. My veins begged for the junk, but I chose the girls’ lives over the desires of the flesh…something an ape-man would never do.
    The Clown drags me down the stairs.
    The muscles in my legs scream (like they did during the withdrawals) from being yanked, and my ankles burn in the grip of the Clown’s latex gloves.
    The wooden risers bite and scrape my back as I’m pulled downward, into the bowels of this dark, damp hell hole, and I keep thinking so close so close so close but so close to what?
    I was never going to escape.
    It was all a lie.
    A lie I told myself to make myself feel better, like the lie that Erica (Candy Cane) told us: that we were actually using the ape-men, the ape-men weren’t using us.
    Now she was dead; her vagina cut out, her breast lobbed off, her brains fired out of her skull by those damn dirty ape-men.
    She had to learn the hard way: you can’t use an Abuser; “use” is their middle name.
    Robert. Fucking Robert: just another damn dirty ape-man. Fucker shot me in the breast. As I slide down each riser, the pain radiates deeper into my chest; feels like I’m having a heart attack.
    Robert. He did look familiar, but sometimes, you see people, and they look like people you’ve seen before, but you’re just not sure.
    I should have recognized him, considering I’ve had his dick in my mouth. But I’ve had so many dicks in my mouth (Empowering!)
    The back of my head hits the last riser, causing my incisors to crash together, and I cry, but the Clown (one of the abUSErs) does not care, and that’s the trademark of any abuser: they do not give a shit, about anything.
    The Clown drags me through the dank labyrinth, down dark corridors, through black sewage and gravel (which rips my skin apart). I wonder if there’s hepatitis in the water; doesn’t matter. I already have C (from sharing needles; found out after trying to donate plasma to make extra money), and in 20 or 30 years my liver will be as hard as these concrete walls.
    I puke, keep puking, then dry heaving. Green bile. I swallow and choke on it. Gagging, coughing; my lungs on fire. My stomach empty and going into spasms, trying to bring up anything, causing my abdomen to cramp (just like the withdrawals).
    The Clown drags me into a concrete box…in the center, a wooden chair with leather restraints for the wrists and ankles.
    Along the wall (like tools hanging in some ape-man’s garage): chainsaw, axe, sledgehammer, weed wacker, nail gun, drill, Taser.
    Oh Jesus Christ.
    I shit and piss myself and lose all hope and cry.
    The Clown drops my sore, throbbing ankles onto the cold concrete then grabs a handful of my long blonde hair in its rubber glove and yanks me onto my feet.
    I scream. It fills the square room. So loud I swear it can be heard on the moon.
    If there are any ape-men out there that can hear it (a woman’s scream), you can be sure they quickly ignore it.
    The Clown (wearing that awful latex mask: white face, blue eye shadow, red lips, empty black eyes) pushes me into the chair and restrains my ankles and wrists. He/she/it (most likely an ape-man, due to its taste for extreme violence) pulls the restraints tight as he can, so that they bite into my skin.
    I bite my tongue, drawing blood, and spit into his

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