Trinity Blacio

Trinity Blacio by Embracing the Winds Page A

Book: Trinity Blacio by Embracing the Winds Read Free Book Online
Authors: Embracing the Winds
lifted her head, than banged it back down onto the ground. How she got there, Luna had no clue.
    She was in trouble. He was too powerful for her. Luna could only get a few gasps of air into her lungs and he was going to snap her neck soon if she couldn’t get help. So she concentrated the last energy she had and sent her powers onto her mates. She had one chance because everything was starting to go black around her.
    Mother Earth hear my prayer send my mates my need prayer. Drake is here.
    In the distance, Luna could have sworn she heard the sound of a lion roaring. The pressure around her neck disappeared and Boreas and Notus cradled her body between them.
    “Luna baby, can you hear me?” Boreas whispered, his big blue eyes gazing down at her. Zephyrus and Eurus stood in front of the bed, blocking the view of what was going on.
     Aeolus struggled with Drake in front of their bed. Fur had broken out all over Aeolus. Claws replaced hands and fangs started to protrude from his mouth. Aeolus would kill him, “Aeolus stop!” She tried to yell but her words came out garbled. That’s when she noticed his father and mother step into the room.
    Aeolus Sr. gazed land on her, then at his oldest son, “Aeolus, your mate needs you. We’ll take care of Drake.”
    The beast in Aeolus stopped and turned its attention to her. He dropped his paws from around Drake’s neck and rushed to her side. “I want to take you somewhere special. Will you let me?” He asked, picking her up into his arms as Boreas and the others rose to stand next to them.
    Luna smiled up at him and lay her head against his fur-covered chest, “Take me away from all this mess, Aeolus. I just want to forget everything, but the five of you.” Her words were still garbled, but she knew he understood as they disappeared from the room.
    Taking a deep breath, Luna could smell cologne and his unique scent. She closed her eyes and curled closer to Aeolus. His fur disappeared and warm skin touched her cheek as they arrived at their destination. The strong odor of leather and honeysuckle penetrated her senses and she slowly opened her eyes.
    In the center of the room was an enormous wooden four-poster bed stood. One could tell by its design and coloring that it was the centerpiece of the room. Aeolus lowered her feet to the ground, but still held onto her as she looked at some type of swing hung from the ceiling next to the bed. Luna could have sworn it was a baby swing except that the seat was too large for a baby.
    Boreas leaned down, smiling, “it’s not for an infant but for our baby, you.” His eyes held mirth and heat as he scanned her naked body.
    Luna coughed into her hand, “Um well I’m afraid my big fat butt isn’t going to fit into that.” She gazed up at him and broke out into a round of giggles. “Did you think I like to swing or what? I mean I’m not a child.” Again the giggles broke out when Aeolus cleared his throat behind her.
    His hot breath fanned her neck, “Sweetheart, it’s one of the many items we plan on using with you.” His arms snaked around her and cupped her breasts. “You see, there really is no support. You are totally open to us. We hoist you up to the perfect level, even to our cocks.” Aeolus rubbed his cock against the crack of her ass. “Of course your hands are tied above your head while we do anything we want to you.”
    She pushed Aeolus hands away from her body and proceeded to walk toward a table which looked like a doctor’s examining table. Running her hand over the cold surface, she saw stirrups that a woman puts her feet into upon an internal exam.
    Her hand stopped as Luna turned to stare at the brothers, her gaze landing on Notus who stood there naked. “I know whose fantasy this is, to play doctor?”
    She watched as Notus stepped forward as he stroked his cock, “Oh mine dear lady. You see I heard from a good source that a certain beautiful black woman needed an exam every day.” Notus closed the

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