Trouble in the Making

Trouble in the Making by Lissa Matthews

Book: Trouble in the Making by Lissa Matthews Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lissa Matthews
Tags: Erótica
privacy, but it did bring another point to mind and one he’d have to think about. “What are your plans for the summer?” He kept his voice neutral, not giving anything away.
    “Writing. I do have those two proposals in and have a book under contract that is due by the middle of August, but I’m also thinking about taking a trip, traveling some.”
    Johnny scooted close, close enough he could feel her breath on his face. Blackberries and cinnamon and vanilla. Warmth. Comfort. “That would be good for you. Getting out of town, away from the usual and familiar.” Again, he opted for a normal tone of voice, but he was hoping to make her catch her breath.
    “That’s what I was thinking too. It might help to find some inspiring scenery, have some adventures.”
    “My little Lizzie. Something has started working to embolden you. I’m proud of you.”
    “Well, I haven’t done it yet. I could still chicken out.”
    “Eh. I have faith. But are you also thinking of doing all this alone?”
    “Hmmm. Well, now that you mention it… Maybe I can see if some of my workshop students would like to come along. We can take in shows, galleries, write and have nightly orgies.” She waggled her brows and winked, drawing a laugh from him. “Of course alone. Why?”
    “Because,” he said softly, sliding his hand into her hair again. “I have an idea.” He loved the feel of her hair falling through his fingers in a caress or fisted in his hand as an anchor.
    Liz leaned up and kissed his chin. “Do tell,” she sighed as she kissed her way across his jaw to his ear. She nipped at his earlobe and tugged on the gold hoop there. “I’ve always thought you were so sexy with earrings,” she murmured.
    “I know. It’s rare for me to wear them now, but I did remember how much you liked them.”
    “You were always sexy to me, though, earrings or not.”
    “Mmm. Good.”
    “So, what was your idea?”
    “I want you.”
    “You have me,” she whispered into his mouth, her tongue sweeping inside for a quick teasing taste.
    “Yes, but I want more than today is what I mean. I want next week and next weekend. I want the week after and the month after that. I want as long as you’ll give me.”
    Liz suddenly scooted back, her eyes wide and her mouth opening and closing, though nothing was coming out. She stared at him, licked her lips and tried again. “You’re serious.”
    “What if we don’t get along?”
    “As if.”
    She smiled at that. “True. We’ve always gotten along. But Johnny, it’s been twenty years, and aside from friends and…and…” She looked down and shook her head. It was a few seconds before she lifted her gaze to his again. “You can’t know it’ll work out.”
    “You can’t know that it won’t. I want this, Liz. I’ve waited too damn long for you.”
    She stared some more, slowly blinking. She worried the inside of her bottom lip the way she always did when she was working out a problem or overthinking one. After what seemed forever, she nodded her head, more to herself, he thought, than to him, and seemed to come to some decision. He waited, hoping she would share it with him. She didn’t.
    Instead, she leaned up on her knees and kissed him with a smack on the lips. “What else? I know there’s more to it than that. It’s been firmly established that we want each other.”
    Johnny kissed her back, lingering a little longer over her lips than she had his. She tasted of blackberries and sweet syrup. She intoxicated his senses and he wanted to take her all in, over and over and over. “I think we should spend the summer together, and since you want to travel, it would be perfect. We can go anywhere, do anything you want.”
    “Mmmm, that does sound like fun.” Her lips hovered over his and she gripped his shoulders as she balanced on the mattress on her knees. “What if I’d decided to stay home?”
    “Then I’d be spending the summer in Orlando, lounging on your couch and

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