True Crime: Box Set
end of his insanity.
patiently waited for his mother to return home, and as soon as she
opened the door, he shot her as well, but this time not taking the
effort to use a hammer or a baseball bat.
just packed a bag full of clothes, money, and weapons, together with
a .22 hunting riffle, which, he later used to kill 12 more people in
the village of Cuers.
said they never suspected the rifle because it was the peak of the
hunting season. And guess what? They mentioned that it was what Borel
exactly did: he hunted random people, shot them, and when not
properly done, went back to them to shoot again.
the end, he was able to fire 40 shots leaving 15 people dead.
The Xerox Murders
is a company in Hawaii, United States, and it was usually peaceful
until the morning of November 2, 1999.
Koji Uyasegi, a service technician, went to work as usual, but as
soon as he stepped into the building, he pulled out his gun and shot
his supervisor. He then shot 6 other people. When the 8 th worker tried to escape, Uyasegi fired
again, fortunately the said worker was able to get out unscathed.
the incident, Uyasegi escaped using the company van and was later
found sitting there calmly by the Hawaii Nature Center before he got
family mentioned that the murderer was having trouble with his
co-workers, telling them that they were backstabbing him and
harassing him. At one point he was even arrested because he destroyed
an elevator out of anger.
management initiated a psychiatric exam for him and just like a
premonition; his interviewer said that he had long since planned the
to the event, Xerox was phasing out the machine that Uyasegi was
accustomed to. He was repeatedly asked to train for the new machines,
but he also repeatedly refused. For this, the management said they
would have no other option but to fire him.
asked later why he committed the shooting, Uyasegi just said that; “I
am now giving them reason to fire me.”
The Geneva Country Massacre
is normal for people to be resentful to others whom they think have
wronged them, however, it is not normal to go on a killing spree just
for revenge. Such is the case of Michael Kenneth McLendon.
shooting attack started in the McLendon residence where Michael
killed his girlfriend, his own mother and their 4 dogs. After that he
even had the tenacity to pack a bag full of weapons.
drove by his car and went to his grandparent’s house where he
again killed all the members of the household: his grandparents, aunt
and uncle, as well as his cousin. Still not satisfied, he went to
their neighbors and shot the sheriff’s wife and their toddler
daughter, not to mention a trailer man who was residing in his
grandparent’s property.
the end, McLendon did not like the idea of being arrested, so when he
was cornered by the police, he shot himself dead.
further investigation, it was found out that the perpetrator left a
list of the people who wronged him. It seemed like he did the
shooting for revenge, but the exact reasons remain a mystery, seeing
that he killed the people who should have been capable of shedding
some light on his behavior.

2 - Children Who Killed

the unthinkable happens.
are supposed to be the epitome of innocence, incapable of violence
and crime. Well, there are instances where kids turn into evil
monsters that crave life, and take it by murdering someone.
Mary Bell
would have thought that a girl short of 1 day into celebrating her
11 th birthday
was capable of killing another innocent child? Mary Bell strangled a
4 year old boy named Martin Brown on the 25 th of May 1968.
reported that she had done the killing alone but several days later,
she and her friend Norma Bell (they are not related) broke into a
nursery school and vandalized a wall, claiming the responsibility of
the killing.
police took this as a

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