Trust Me: The Lassiter Group, Book 1

Trust Me: The Lassiter Group, Book 1 by Sydney Somers

Book: Trust Me: The Lassiter Group, Book 1 by Sydney Somers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sydney Somers
Lucas had, he choose to pay particular attention to the small cut she’d inflicted on his neck. If he thought he could guilt her into cooperating, he’d need to get a number and wait in line. There were already people ahead of him who’d been hurt by her determination to nail Blackwater—Sherri, Glen, Cara.
    “So are you two on vacation, maybe a honeymoon?” Charlotte asked, that same sappy grin falling into place.
    Max shook her head. “No.”
    “Yes,” Lucas said at the same time.
    Charlotte frowned.
    He covered Max’s hand with his own. “What my wife means, is that, this isn’t our first honeymoon.”
    The older woman beamed. “So you two renewed your vows? That’s wonderful. It’s so nice to see a couple still so in love. Nowadays married people just don’t spend enough quality time together.”
    “Yes, well, it’s the least he could do after cheating on me with his assistant,” Max shot off, giving her a reason to shrug out of his grip. Not that it helped when her skin still felt warm from his touch.
    Lucas didn’t recover as quickly as she expected and gawked at her.
    Instead of being appalled by Max’s admission, Charlotte slid into the seat across from her and patted her hand. “Oh, dear.”
    Lucas flashed a tight smile. “I thought you promised that was behind us, sweetheart? Or did you want me to bring up your indiscretion with your yoga instructor?”
    The truck swerved and Max realized Henry was being drawn into their childish game.
    “We both know that if you’d admitted your problem,” she glanced pointedly at his groin, “and started taking medication earlier, none of that would have happened.”
    Lucas’s mouth fell open.
    Max stole a peek at Charlotte who didn’t seem the least bit thrown by the conversation.
    The older woman turned her attention to Lucas. “And why do you think it took you so long to admit you had a problem?”
    “I’ve never had a problem with…my performance,” Lucas choked out.
    Charlotte gave his hand a thoughtful squeeze. “It’s all right, dear. This kind of thing is very normal.” She leaned over the table. “Actually, Henry had some difficulty in that area too.”
    “Sure did,” Henry chimed in. “And I got through it thanks to the support of my wife.” His and Charlotte’s eyes met in the rearview mirror.
    For a moment Max envied their close relationship, one she’d become convinced wasn’t in her future. Aside from few men lining up to get involved with a cop who always put her job first, forgetting that she was presently wanted for murder, she wasn’t sure her heart was ready to trust anyone after her last boyfriend, Wade, had used her to advance his career.
    Dating Wade had made sense in the beginning since they both understood the job, but as far as reasons to get married went, it fell short. It just shouldn’t have taken Wade breaking things off when he was promoted to make her see that. Adding insult to injury, Wade had also been one of the first to believe she’d been taking bribe money from Blackwater.
    She had foolishly believed everyone who knew her would instantly dismiss the possibility she was a dirty cop. Turns out it didn’t matter how many how many lives she’d improved through her job or how many criminals she’d help put away. One seed of doubt planted by Blackwater was all it took to make conversations cease the second she walked into the room at work. “And now our sex life is better than ever,” Henry added, drawing her back into the present.
    This time it was Max and Lucas’s eyes that met and held. Somewhere in the intense green depths she swore she glimpsed the same surreal humor she felt at the course their conversation had taken.
    “We’re only a couple of miles from the next town. Where about would you like to be dropped off?”
    “A gas station would be fine,” Lucas answered.
    Charlotte stood up. “I certainly hope you two get back on track. It would be a real shame for such a lovely young couple

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