
Trusted by Jacquelyn Frank Page A

Book: Trusted by Jacquelyn Frank Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jacquelyn Frank
to pick up Sarea’s hand and following Jesso’s example. “Ladies, would you care to join us?” he said to Hycinth and Juness.
    They agreed eagerly and Garrick offered his free arm to Hycinth who blushed as she took it. Jesso did likewise for Juness.
    The six of them toured the castle and all its many grand rooms. From the throne room to the vast ballroom. When they were in the ballroom Hycinth said, “I do so long for a grand ball. Perhaps a masquerade. With masks and mystery, never knowing who you are dancing with from one moment to the next.”
    “An excellent idea. Jesso, see that we arrange a masque. Something to celebrate the harvest and coming winter.”
    “Absolutely, my king,” Jesso said with a grin. “I will see to it immediately. And Lady Hycinth shall help with the planning!”
    “Oh but I couldn’t!” Hycinth said, flushing. “What would I know about a masque on such a grand scale?”
    “Women always know how to plan the details of such things. Your friends can help you. We’ll call it the Harvest Masque. We’ll have music, performers for entertainment, golden decorations,” the king said. “Whatever you wish you need only ask and it will be provided.”
    “Oh! What a wonderful thing!” Hycinth said, beside herself with delight. The king was asking her to plan a ball!
    Sarea had never seen her friends so pleased and excited. The girls immediately swarmed around Jesso, coming up with ideas for the ball. It left Sarea alone with the king, who led her out of the ballroom and onto the terrace that led into the gardens. Before she knew it she was walking along a path in relative solitude with the king.
    “Perhaps we should go back,” she said uneasily.
    She felt the muscle of his arm tense beneath her fingers.
    “Is the idea of being alone with me so repugnant to you?” he asked on a sigh.
    “No! Not at all,” she said quickly and earnestly. “I only meant…I’m just not used to being alone with a man. Especially a man who…”
    “Wants you?” he finished for her, stopping to turn her to face him. He reached up and tucked a stray strand of her hair back behind her ear.
    “Yes,” she said, her breath leaving her. “I realize that sounds very childish to a man like you. A man who…has had many paramours.”
    He laughed. “That is a very kind way of putting it,” he said. “I am a man who knows what he wants when he wants it.”
    “And is used to getting his way.” She widened her eyes. “Oh! I didn’t mean…!”
    “Sarea, let us make a pact. That you will say exactly what is on your mind at any time, and I will not take long term offense to it.”
    “But you took offense when I spoke my mind before.”
    “What did you say that wasn't the truth? And I value the truth in others. My Trusted are very honest with me, they do not fear me as so many others seem to do. I don’t know why they should fear me. It is not as though I am prone to temper or unfairness.”
    “You are the king. As the cat you are the most feared warrior among us.”
    “And as the man? I try and temper myself in my rule. In my dealings with others. I know I am intimidating. But…I would not wish for you to be intimidated by me.”
    “I…try not to be. But you are very…large.”
    He threw back his head and laughed, which made her smile.
    “Indeed I am. In many ways.” He gave her a wink and she promptly blushed to the roots of her hair. “But do we have a pact? It is the same pact I make with my Trusted. ‘To tell me the truth in all things. To guide me to a better rule. To guide me into being the better man.’”
    “’To always uphold the values that I myself hold above all others,’” she said, repeating some of the Trusted oath.
    “Very well. I accept. But you must make me a promise. Not to push me into things I do not wish to do.”
    “Ah, but how do you know you don’t wish to do them if you do not try them?” he countered. “You are untried in the ways of men and

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