Twisted Mercy (Red Team Book 4)
he took her into town, the way she looked at the fire tonight, with the light playing off the sparkly skulls on her clothes.
    Funny how nature put its most lethal creatures in its most beautiful packages.  
    What the hell was she doing here? What would an angel want with the ruthless men of the WKB? Max harbored a deepening desire to find the guy who sent her in here and feed him to the bikers.
    On that thought, he activated his comm unit. “Greer, read me?”  
    “Loud and clear.”
    “What’s the news on the girl?”
    “She’s clean. The only fingerprints we have for her are from her mechanics school admittance paperwork.”
    “So she’s a wrench for real.”
    “Looks like it. Her name’s Hope Townsend. She’s a product of foster care. I’m having trouble finding out more about her. The trail goes cold when she was five years old.”
    “What about the WKB network?”
    “I’m in and stepping through their systems. As best I can tell, they’re running a couple of businesses. One is some kind of investment firm, which—get this—specializes in cryptocurrencies. I'm working on cracking their encryption. The other is a homeopathic supplement manufacturer. That data isn’t encrypted, but it’s encoded. While I can get into their databases, I can’t make sense of them. Blade and Rocco are looking over the data. Past the firewall, there’s little security set up. There are two dozen users, but not all are active.”  
    “We’re still mining what Greer’s discovered,” Kit said, coming over the comm. “It’s clear there’s business being run from the compound.”
    “You think that’s happening in the silo somewhere? ’Cause I’ve been in almost every building, and trust me, there’s no organized anything happening above ground.”
    “It is in the silo,” Greer confirmed. “They have a biometrics security system in place, with access codes for ten floors. Not every person can get into every floor or even every room on every floor. While their data security is lax, their physical security is intense. Maybe they think the one protects the other.”
    Max grinned. “Do you have control of their security system?”
    “I do.”
    “This mission just got a whole lot cooler. Are you ready for tomorrow night? Pete said the shipment was happening sometime between midnight and one.”
    “Affirmative. You’ll tag the dope?” Kit asked.
    “Yep. I’m going to get inside the silo again and see if I can find the section they’ve renovated. It sure wasn’t in what we saw last night.”
    “Check in when you’re above ground again,” Kit ordered.
    “Roger that. I’m out.”
    He made the necessary arrangements with WKB crew for the shipment tomorrow night, then turned his attention to the night’s real mission.
    Max opened the panel hiding the silo entrance, then slipped down to the tunnels below. Last night he and Greer explored the powerhouse and the control dome, the hallways to the diesel and water storage tanks, then went east to the antennae chutes. Tonight, he went west inside the tunnel system, heading toward the three missile silos. He knew from Angel’s schematics that each had a propellant terminal and an equipment bay as well as the actual missile silo. He went through the blast locks to the first silo. The missile crib was still intact, though some of the exposed steel ribs were rusting. Same with the second silo.  
    He couldn’t get through the blast door to the third silo. It was secured by a modern biometric panel. Whatever King was running down here, it was kept inside the third silo.  
    Max turned back. The walkway was in bad shape here. Someone had patched it up with steel panels taken from somewhere else in the complex. Odd bits of debris were piled along the way. Pieces of steel, discarded equipment, ancient control panels and computer parts, broken chairs.  
    A sudden noise caught Max’s attention. Something moved up ahead, just out of the range of his flashlight. Maybe

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