Unbound (The Captive Series, Book 7)

Unbound (The Captive Series, Book 7) by Erica Stevens

Book: Unbound (The Captive Series, Book 7) by Erica Stevens Read Free Book Online
Authors: Erica Stevens
friend. He’d expected that friendship to grow and deepen throughout the coming years.
    A single tear slipped free. Braith would come back; he had to.
    Until then, the kingdom had just fallen to him. He may not want it, but he would protect it and everyone in it.
    Hannah knelt at his side, her arms wrapped around his shoulders. Her sweet scent filled his nose, and his arms encircled her waist as he pulled her closer. He took some comfort in her as he turned his head into her silken hair.
    She’d been his redemption in a time when he hadn’t felt as if he deserved it, or ever expected to find it. He’d sworn to protect her, to cherish her, yet their world was crumbling around his feet. Sabine had power and was growing a large army. They’d lost their king, and their queen was within the forest, probably losing her mind.
    “Aria,” he whispered. Wherever she was now, he knew his sister-in-law was aware of Braith’s passing.
    “What do we do, Jack?” Hannah whispered.
    “We can’t lea… ave him,” Xavier croaked out. “It’s not over, not yet.”
    Jack was glad the history keeper sounded so certain, because he wasn’t. He believed Aria was right about that woman being Sabine; he just didn’t know what to make of all of this right now.
    “We have to do what we told Aria we would. The residents of Chippman and the survivors from Badwin must be taken to the palace,” Jack said. Keeping his arm around Hannah, he rose to his feet and turned to Ashby. “Enough time has passed. It should be safe for the two of you to return to them and lead them the rest of the way.”
    Ashby lifted his head to look at him, the fox he’d caught lay where he’d forgotten it on the rocks. Tears swam in Ashby’s eyes as Melinda sobbed against his shoulder. He held her closer before giving Jack a brisk nod. “You should come with us. They’ll need a leader at the palace. One of your line.”
    Jack glanced over the others within the cave. They would all heal. They were all fighters, but they were in no shape to protect Braith from their attackers if their hiding place was discovered.
    “I can’t,” he said. “If someone came for Braith now, they wouldn’t be able to fend off an attack. Xavier may be able to carry him now, if it became necessary, but none of the others could. I know these caves and forests well. I’ll be able to move Braith around much easier and into better hiding spots than Xavier would. There is also a chance we could end up having to separate if it becomes necessary.”
    In other words, the humans may have to be left behind in order to protect Braith’s body. They all knew it, but they wouldn’t argue the decision if it became necessary. If there was the smallest chance of Braith coming back, he had to be protected above all others.
    He’d also promised Aria he would keep Braith safe no matter what, and he planned to uphold that promise.
    “No one at the palace knows Melinda is not of our line. She will be there to rule with you, and Gideon will also be able to help you keep control. The humans like Melinda, the vampires will follow her, and she will be able to keep them calm until we are able to join you.”
    Melinda lifted her head from Ashby’s shoulder. Tears continued to stream from her eyes as she stared at Jack. “But I’m not a leader,” she whispered.
    “Neither am I, but we’re both about to learn how to be one, sis. I know you are capable of doing this.”
    She blinked at him, swallowed heavily, and wiped the tears from her eyes. “What should I tell them, about you and Braith?”
    “Tell them we were attacked, that there is a new threat rising, but assure them they will be safe. Tell them Braith and I are recruiting more troops and securing the vulnerable border towns. I’m hoping Sabine holds off on attacking the palace in order to search for Braith, but start preparing them for an attack. If Aria was right, Sabine will be looking to behead him in order to ensure he really is out

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