Unbreak Me (Second Chances #1)

Unbreak Me (Second Chances #1) by Heather D'Agostino

Book: Unbreak Me (Second Chances #1) by Heather D'Agostino Read Free Book Online
Authors: Heather D'Agostino
that doesn’t work?” Katie sighed.

    “What’s going on?” Melanie questioned.

    “Well, remember that boy I was telling you about, Zach? He wants me to go on a date with him. I don’t like him, at least I don’t think I do,” she rubbed her forehead. “He won’t stop asking, so I kinda told him I’d go on a date with him this Friday. Which I was totally going to ask you about,” she flipped her hand in the air. “Anyway, he said he’d leave me alone if I didn’t have a good time. I just…I don’t know. I guess I want to discourage a second date,” she almost had a questioning tone to answer.

    “Well, if you don’t like this boy, you shouldn’t string him along,” Melanie stated. “Just tell him how you feel, and be firm, but sincere. He’ll get the message, and if he doesn’t I’ll talk to his parents,” Melanie’s mother bear instinct was coming out.

    “No mom, please don’t do that. It’s so embarrassing. I’m not a little kid anymore. Let me handle it,” Katie begged.

    “Fine, let’s eat ok?” Melanie stepped in the room and hugged her.

    “Yeah, I need a break from thinking about this,” Katie turned and walked out the door.

    As they were walking out to the kitchen, Katie looked over, “So can I go?”

    “Go where?” Melanie asked.

    “On the date. It’s a party at Anthony’s house. Hannah’s going,” Katie pleaded.

    “Ok, if Hannah’s going, then you can go, too. I know Austin wouldn’t let her go anywhere that wasn’t safe,” Melanie hugged Katie’s shoulders.

    Friday afternoon…..

    “So, are you ready for tonight?” Sam giggled.

    “I guess,” Katie sighed. “I don’t have much choice, do I?”

    “We’ve got your back,” Hannah slung her arm around Katie.

    “You say the word, and we’ll make Zach regret the day he messed with you,” Sam laughed.

    “Thanks, but I think I’ve got this,” Katie smirked.

    Once she arrived home from school, Katie went straight to her room to get ready for the party. As she stood in front of her closet looking at her clothes, she contemplated what to wear. She’d never dressed to turn a boy off. This was a first, and she wasn’t sure what to wear. She thought back to all the comments that Zach had made in the past few weeks. He liked her legs ... maybe she should wear pants? The more she thought about her plan, the closer she came to deciding that it was a bad idea. Maybe I should dress in something that would kill him, how sweet would it be to meet someone else at this party? Her brain was moving at a rapid pace. Maybe he wasn’t as bad as everyone thought? She couldn’t decide.

    Finally she just decided to be herself. No matter what effect it had on Zach, or whether she met someone else, she wanted them to like her for her. She finally decided on a pair of dark skinny jeans and a tank top that had a sequin design. Even though fall weather was fast approaching, she knew that with the amount of people that would be in Anthony’s house, it would be hot. Sweating was not attractive for a first date. She grabbed a jacket to wear on the way there to cover herself. Zach had met her mom earlier in the week, so Katie had bargained with him to let her meet him at the party. He was reluctant to agree, but Katie had all but insisted.

    After dressing, she trudged into the bathroom to fix her hair and makeup. She pulled her hair up into a high ponytail and straightened it. After applying some smoky eye shadow and pink blush, she finished off the look with some pink lip-gloss. She stood back and admired the finished product. I look hot she thought. Zach wasn’t going to know what hit him.

    She walked into the family room where Melanie was reading, “Well, what do you think?” She spun around.

    “I think you look beautiful sweetie,” Melanie smiled. “Let’s go so you’re not late.” She rose from the couch and grabbed her keys and jacket. “Are you sure that Zach said he could bring you home?” she

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