
Unbreakable by Alison Kent

Book: Unbreakable by Alison Kent Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alison Kent
Tags: Romance
breathing deeply of her scent that was salty and warm. Whatever door she’d opened in the kitchen, he didn’t want her to change her mind and lock it down tight. He’d waited half his life to get her here. He did not want her up and running.
    “We can’t do this,” she was saying. “Not here. Risking it downstairs was bad enough, but now Boone’s right down the hall.”
    He bit the soft flesh of her knee. “His door’s shut. My door’s shut. And locked. He sleeps like a dead man. So as long as you don’t start praising the Lord when I slide my tongue inside you—”
    “Shh,” she shushed again, moaning as he slid his tongue inside her. “Don’t say things like that.”
    He stopped the fun he was having and looked up at her from between her legs. “Faith Mitchell. Are you embarrassed?”
    “No, I’m not embarrassed,” she said, though he swore he heard that very thing in her voice, saw it in the denying slant of her brows.
    He came at the problem from a different angle. “You’re not much for sex talk then?”
    She pushed onto her elbows and gave him a deserved glare. “Have I not been shushing you? I don’t want Boone to wake up and find us.”
    Casper closed his eyes, dropped his head. They were going to have to deal with this now or their affair would be over before he ever had the chance to properly start it.
    And boy did he want to start it. In all sorts of improper ways. To show her exactly what they could do together, be together—and to do so before she decided they’d made an epic mistake hooking up.
    And that would happen sooner than Casper would like. Faith was too uppity, too straight and narrow for it not to. But since he knew to be forewarned and forearmed and all that…
    He crawled up her body, braced his elbows on her pillow, and brushed her hair from her eyes. “And what if he does wake up and find us? What do you think he’s going to do?”
    “Besides beat the living shit out of you?” she asked, wiggling beneath him to settle his hips to hers.
    His cock jumped when she moved, and he grinned when she sucked back a sharp breath. “Really? Is that what you think? That I can’t handle myself with Boone?”
    “I didn’t say that—”
    “Then you must be afraid that you can’t handle yourself—”
    “I can handle myself just fine, thank you.”
    Yeah. She could. “Then what’s the big deal. You’re, what? Thirty? Thirty-one?”
    She nodded, but didn’t pick door number one or two.
    Though he was pretty sure he knew, he’d get the exact number later just because it bugged her so. “Okay. That makes you all grown up.”
    “I know that.”
    “Then why are you letting Boone kill the mood?”
    “He’s my brother. I don’t want…”
    And here it comes.
Casper rolled away to his back, less pissed off than he was surprised it had taken them this long to get into class warfare. “You don’t want to disappoint him by sleeping around beneath you.”
    Faith was still for a long moment, then she barked out a laugh loud enough for the dogs in the barn to hear. Raising up on one elbow, she stared down at him with the fire of a brand headed for his ass. “Sleeping around beneath me? Is that what I’m doing here? Sleeping around?”
    He shrugged one shoulder. “I didn’t mean it like that.”
    “Well, what exactly
you mean, Mr. Jayne, because I want to be sure before I say anything else.”
    Feisty little filly, wasn’t she? He propped his head on one forearm, tweaked her nipple with his other hand. “You’re sleeping with me. Having sex with me.”
    She batted him away. “I know that.”
    “I’m not done,” he said, and tweaked again.
    This time she let him, pressing her lips tight and waiting him out.
    He let her go because it seemed the thing to do with this conversation looming, and tucked his other arm beneath his head. “You’re a Mitchell. I’m a Jayne. There’s something about never the twain meeting here.”
    “Why’s that?” she asked, the tone

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