    “He’s just…promiscuous. He prefers one-night stands instead of real relationships.”
    “That’s what’s hot right now.” She opened her Tupperware and started to eat.
    “Yeah, I guess. There are times when he’s really sweet and real…but then it disappears and he puts this act on. When we first met, he was interesting and fun. And then he turned sleazy and tried to get me into bed. It’s almost like he forces himself to do it…I can’t explain it.”
    “Sounds like he’s afraid to be himself.”
    “I don’t see why. He’s really smart, cute, and rich.”
    “The most successful people tend to be the most insecure.” She finished every bite then set the plastic aside.
    “You really don’t know someone until you get past the surface and see what’s deep down inside. This man didn’t have to help you but he did. I think that speaks louder than what he does in his personal life. Don’t judge before you really know him.”
    “I wasn’t judging…”
    “It seemed like it.”
    “I just…I don’t know.” I didn’t want to talk about Ash anymore. I grabbed the book at her bed side. “Shall we continue?”
    “Please.” She leaned back and listened to me.
    I read for half an hour before my throat started to run dry. “I should go. I still need to get ready.”
    “Break a leg, kid.” She grabbed my face and kissed my cheek. “Make sure you tell me how it goes.”
    “I’ll give you every detail.”
    “Payton is going, right?”
    “Definitely. She wants to see how much her image is worth.” I rolled my eyes. “You know her.”
    She laughed. “I do.”
    “Bye, Nana.”
    “Bye, dear.”
    I walked out then headed to the elevator. The hospital was much calmer on the weekend. People weren’t visiting their loved ones as often. Instead, they were enjoying the beautiful weather. I hit the button and waited for the doors to open.
    When the door finally opened, I felt my heart move into my throat.
    Ash was staring back at me, a wrapped gift under his arm. He was wearing jeans and a dark green t-shirt. It brought out his artic blue eyes. I never noticed their color before. There was faint stubble on his chin like he hadn’t shaved in a few days. I noticed details about him that I never paid attention to before.
    He stepped out and kept staring at me. “Are you following me?” The humor was in his eyes.
    “I was here first, so technically, you’re following me.”
    “Why aren’t you wearing your scrubs?”
    “Oh.” He quickly glanced at himself. “I don’t have rotations this week. But I wanted to stop by and see my patient. I brought her a gift to cheer her up.”
    My eyes softened. I never expected him to take time out of his day just to bring his patient a gift. That was…really sweet. Maybe I didn’t know Ash at all. Maybe I judged him too quickly. “Why don’t you have rotations?”
    He shifted his weight and averted his gaze. “We usually take a break during exams.”
    “Oh.” I examined the small package. “What did you get for your patient?”
    He held it up. “A kindle. She loves to read so I thought this would be good for her. I got her an Amazon gift card too so she cqn download as many books as she wants. I have a feeling she reads the same thing over and over again.” A smile stretched his lips.
    Was this the same guy I first met? He was thoughtful and sweet…a direct contradiction to what he normally was. He brought girls back to his apartment then kicked them out without even a kiss on the cheek. He was a jerk and used women. But then he could be thoughtful. “That was really nice of you.”
    He shrugged. “I do what I can. Sometimes medicine can only go so far.”
    “Yeah…” I looked into his eyes, seeing the color of the ocean.
    “And why are you here?”
    “I was visiting my nana.”
    “Oh.” Sadness came into his eyes. “I hope she’s okay.”
    “Yeah,” I said quickly. “She’ll be fine. It’s nothing too

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