United State of Love

United State of Love by Sue Fortin

Book: United State of Love by Sue Fortin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sue Fortin
actions, relegating her work ethics to the back of her mind. Like Tex said, if they were going to work closely together then it was inevitable that a few social occasions would arise.
    Her feeling of happiness didn’t last long. In fact, within seconds of walking through the front door it was totally eradicated.

Chapter Nine
    Mark was standing at the window, glaring at the Ford Ranger as it drove away down the road. As Anna closed the door, he turned to her. From the look on his face, Anna could instantly tell he was in a bad mood. She gave an involuntary shudder as it immediately took her back to the dark days of their marriage.
    ‘What's with the bloke and the pick-up then?’ Mark said stiffly.
    ‘Not that it's any business of yours but, if you must know, that was my client today. He kindly gave me a lift home because someone didn't bring my car back in time.’
    ‘You still got there okay, and got a lift back in style.’
    ‘No thanks to you.’ Glaring at him, Anna dropped her bag to the floor and threw her coat onto the back of the sofa. ‘You could at least apologise.’
    Mark gave a sideways look. ‘I'm sorry.’
    He didn't sound particularly sincere, Anna thought, but at least he had apologised.
    ‘I was just hoping you would have time to think about us. I didn't expect you to be getting it on with your client.’
    Anna let out an exasperated sigh. ‘I wasn't getting anything on with my client. It's just business.’
    ‘So that answers one question. What about the other? Did you think about us?’ His voice was calm and soft now.
    Anna sighed sadly. ‘Mark, I think we’re better off apart. In fact, I
we are.’ She really didn't want to have this conversation. She almost felt sorry for him, guilty even, until she remembered how she had felt during their marriage, and what he had done. The pain might not be so real now but she couldn’t forget how much hurt she had endured back then.
    ‘Listen, there's something I want to tell you,’ began Mark. ‘I … ’
    Anna shook her head fiercely. ‘No. Not now, Mark. Please.’ Picking up her bag, she made for the stairs. ‘I'm too tired and I still haven't finished work yet.’
    Leaving Mark standing open-mouthed by the sofa, she went upstairs to ring Jamie.
    ‘Tex was really impressed with you,’ enthused Jamie. Anna wondered whether Tex was referring to her skills as a PA or in being able to say no to him. ‘I'm really happy and confident about giving you more work if you want to carry on,’ Jamie continued.
    ‘I'd be delighted,’ answered Anna, a morass of feelings swirling round in her head, half of her hoping the work would be with Tex, the other half hoping it wouldn't. She didn't know if she would be able to resist him for too long.
    Home from school, Luke grinned with delight at seeing his father seated on the sofa. ‘Hi, Dad! You're back then.’
    ‘Yeah, I'm back here with the Ice Maiden. She's not in a good mood with me.’
    Anna ignored Mark's comment, the atmosphere between them as stilted as it had been all afternoon. She continued preparing the evening meal. Jacket potatoes tonight. Nice and easy. And she knew Mark didn't really like them.
    Luke headed straight for the fridge. ‘You still fed up about the car, Mum?’
    ‘Don't start picking, tea will be ready soon.’ Anna tapped Luke's arm and closed the fridge door. ‘And as far as your dad is concerned, just ignore him.’
    ‘I don't know why you're being so pissy, you're not usually,’ frowned Luke, stealing a pinch of cheese Anna was grating.
    Mark appeared in the doorway and lounged against the wall. ‘I was thinking of going back to the States,’ he announced. ‘I'm not sure if it's working out me being here.’
    ‘What?’ exclaimed Luke. ‘You've only been here a couple of weeks. He doesn't have to go does he, Mum?’
    ‘Well …  it's up to your dad,’ said Anna, totally surprised by this apparent U-turn. What was all that about getting back together

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