she refer to children as pups? “Children who need help.”
    Anger pulsed in Jasper’s veins at the thought of Dane Velham using other wolves as breeding stock and then discarding the creations that didn’t meet his standards. His mother, brothers, and the rest of the pack were taken and more than likely used. He looked at the beautiful strong Luna beside him. She wasn’t anything like the bastard who’d created her, and their pack would no doubt recognize her Blue Moon traits immediately.
    Jasper wanted to laugh at her reference to Luna children as pups, then her rephrasing. “They are pups. I need to get the pack book out and count who all might be missing.” He rose from the sofa, all the while knowing his responsibility to the pack, the pups, and Sidda was growing stronger. “Ms. Angela, we need to know the size and location of this facility.” Jasper grabbed a leather-bound book from the desk near the far wall.
    He couldn’t quite believe there might be a possibility Dane had bred other pups and their fates could be far worse than anything that had been meant for Sidda. He clenched the book in his hands. His mother and brothers could still be alive and suffering at the hands of Dane Velham.
    “Jasper? We’ll find them. Come here.” Sidda’s firm voice made him smile. She always had been a demanding little thing.
    “Yes ma’am.” He smiled, despite the anger flooding him. Their bond was stronger, and she’d already learned to use her links to him.
    He sat down beside her, and she snuggled close to him. The warmth of her body, mind, and soul washed away the coldness he’d started to feel over the possibilities that most of his pack could be dead.
    Ms. Angela cleared her throat. “The office building was on the outer edge of town. It wasn’t really an office building, more of a warehouse that had offices in the front. It was a pharmaceutical company, so I never thought anything about the people in white coats or all the people coming in and out. I always figured they were testing products, you know like how you read about in want ads.”
    Jasper opened the book of his pack while Ms. Angela continued talking. He vaguely remembered Dane Velham owning a pharmaceutical company, but wasn’t sure. He raised his hand to stop Ms. Angela and looked over at Dr. Thomas.
    “Doc, you know anything about this pharmaceutical company?”
    Dr. Thomas nodded and sat on the armrest beside Ms. Angela. “Velham owns a pharmaceutical company, but the headquarters are in New York now.”
    Jasper ran a finger across a page of the book. “How large of a warehouse was it? How many people working there? You would have noticed large amounts of food being brought in, wouldn’t you? If they’d held a large number of Lunas there, they’d have to be feeding them. And during the full moon you would have noticed sounds coming from the back. Even through soundproofed walls, a pack of Lunas would still be loud.” Jasper flipped the page from the front cover and held his breath.
    The first page held a picture of his father, mother, brothers, and him. His mother was smiling, and his father looked proud into the camera with his head held high and back straight. His dark, almost jet-black, hair gleamed in the light. His mother’s summer grass-colored eyes shone while her dark brown wavy hair brought out the earth tone of her skin. Jasper grinned and ran a hand across the picture, remembering the love his parents had given him. He knew without a doubt his father had been killed, his body laid to rest in the cemetery behind the house where they sat, but his mother and brothers might still be alive.
    Beside him, his mate rested her head on his shoulder and gazed down at the picture. Her hand traced the same path his had, and he clasped their hands together. She kissed his jaw softly. Jasper’s breath caught at the tender action.
    “ You’ll tell me about them later, right?” Her voice rang in his mind.
    He nodded, too choked up to

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