Urban Climber 2

Urban Climber 2 by S.V. Hunter

Book: Urban Climber 2 by S.V. Hunter Read Free Book Online
Authors: S.V. Hunter
into this. You know I like satisfying you.”
    He leans back into his chair, resting his hands behind his head. “Well then, you can prove it to me on the flight home.”
    “You know how much flying scares me,” I mumble.
    “Nonsense, it’ll be fun—take your mind off it.”
    “But what about that girl? I never want to see her again.”
    I purse my lips. “I don’t even want to hear her name ever again.”
    “Fine,” he throws his arms in the air. “The whore I fucked when I had no other choice but to fly back by myself because you had to think things over.”
    His words slice through my heart like a steak knife. “Hugo,” my voice cracks, “why … why are you being like this?”
    “Don’t get all emotional on me,”
    “How can I not? It’s like you don’t even love me anymore.”
    “Don’t love you?” He sneers. “I know you suffer from jealously, so because of my deep love for you, I fired the bitch. Happy?”
    “You did?”
    “You sound surprised.”
    “I am. I know you always had a thing for her.”
    “Well, what can I say? I found a replacement.”
    “Is that supposed to make me happy?”
    “Mmm.” He smirks. “You’ll be wearing her outfit instead. With stilettos and thigh high white fishnets that I will rip off with my teeth.”
    My stomach twists so violently I feel like I’m about to board his family’s jet within the next three seconds.
    “Laura,” he laughs, “speak up when you’re spoken to.”
    Somehow, I manage to swallow the bile burning the back of my throat. “What are you planning? Do you want me to serve the drinks or something? I guess I could do that, if you like.”
    “Good one!” He laughs. “No, we’ll start off with you blowing me in the restroom, and then, once I’m satisfied, we’ll move on from there.”
    “H-Hugo,” I stammer, “you know I gag every time.”
    “You’ll have to figure out a way to swallow then, won’t you?”
    “Or what?”
    “Or you’ll have your skirt pushed high above your buttocks, and you’ll be spanked until your little white cheeks are raw from my hand. And then …”
    I blink several times, trying to wake up from this nightmare. How can there be more?
    “There is another hole I never got acquainted with.”
    “You want—”
    “Yes.” He smiles. “That’s exactly what I want.”
    “But that’s supposed to really hurt.”
    “And I should care because …”
    “Hugo,” I pause, tears streaming down my cheeks. “Why are you being like this?”
    “Stop your blubbering and grow up, will you?”
    “Please let me go. I’m already late.”
    “Fine,” he exhales. “Have it your way. Just remember, when I fly in to get you, don’t bother wearing any knickers.”
    “But it’s weeks away yet.”
    “And it can’t come soon enough.” He snarls with laughter. “I’ve got so much planned for your body.”
    I turn off my phone and slip out of the backseat of his car. How’d I get to this point in my life? I might as well be a prostitute I’m at his beck and call so much. My eyes drop to the ring as it some how manages to sparkle, even in the fading light. There’s no love there, just the glare of constant obligation.
    “What are you still doing out here?” a voice yells at me across the parking lot. “I thought I was the only one who was gonna be late.”
    I swing my head around, and sure enough, it’s my beacon of light, beaming at me as he runs across the parking lot. “You don’t have to come to me, just—just give me a sec,” I stammer, scraping my long messy hair into a high ponytail as I look at my reflection in the shining paintwork.
    “Well, I’m here now,” Bodhi laughs as he takes a step towards me. “Shit. You all right? You look a little teary.”
    “Allergies.” My eyes dart away from his as I

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