Vaalbara; Visions & Shadows

Vaalbara; Visions & Shadows by Michelle Horst

Book: Vaalbara; Visions & Shadows by Michelle Horst Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michelle Horst
falls when you were thirteen, your dreams, your gifts, it is all connected.”
    “Have you been drinking? Listen to yourself, Ryan! Vaalbara? Immortals and princesses? Listen to how that sounds. Have you lost your bloody mind?” I went to the window and opened it wide. A gust of cold wind blew in and made my body shake.
    Ryan cleared his throat and continued, “I know you feel out of place here and this all seems crazy to you. I understand better than you will ever know, Alchera, but once you are there—”
    My head snapped around. “What did you just call me?”
    The smoky eyes remained locked on my face. “Alchera.” Ryan took a tentative step closer. I was sure the look on my face told him I was no longer the nice, placid Aislinn.
    “It is your birth name. It is the name given to you by your parents who are waiting to hear that I have returned with you.”
    “I dreamed about that name.” I shook my head in denial, as if I could erase all this madness.
    “I need to get you back to Vaalbara. It is no longer safe for you here. Once your dreams begin, Adeth will be able to track you here on Earth.” His tone turned urgent.
    Now I had a stalker named Adeth? What the hell did she want? Fine. Ryan knew about the name from my dreams, or let’s say for argument’s sake it was me seeing my own future. That still didn’t mean I was going to trust him or believe any of this crap.
    I began slowly, “If you’re from this Vaalbara place, and everything else you say is true, then why did you and your people leave me alone for so long? And who is this Adeth person?” It was taking a lot to just stand still and act calm when all I wanted to do was bolt out the window and make a run for my waterfall.
    Ryan‘s face contorted with emotion; his eyes looked as if they were pleading for forgiveness. “We hid you here to protect you from Adeth. She is an evil woman who has made it her sole purpose to find you. I cannot reveal the details now. As soon as you are home, you will understand everything. But we need to move now, Alchera. I need you to co-operate…please.” 
    “You want to take me to a place called Vaalbara where there are immortals and actual parents who are waiting for me…you want me to trust you.”
    “Yes, everything will…”
    I was out the window before he’d even finished speaking.
    I ran as fast as my bare feet could carry me on the wintry street. Sid, why hadn’t I put on shoes first? Nooo, I had to sprint a ten mile bloody marathon to my waterfall with bare feet . I’m a true genius, aren’t I, Sid? 
    I cut through the park, knowing I would lose Ryan that way. It was also a great encouragement to run faster. Dark, creepy, bum-infested parks weren’t exactly my favorite hangout joints.
    After a refreshing fifteen minute run I reached my falls. I was overcome by the burn in my lungs, as I gasped for air. Damn, I was unfit! Stumbling to my waterfall’s entrance I suddenly heard footsteps behind me. Great! This was all I needed to end my night of horror – another crazy person! 
    I felt like I was going to start hyperventilating any minute. Needless to say Sid was sure to be crapping himself right about now. I was too scared to turn around and look, knowing the person was right behind me and it was too late to hide.
    “God, please help me.” I’d never been the praying kind but I figured now was as good a time as any to start.
    “Awo hears all.”
    Ryan! I swung around - not sure if I wanted to hug him or slug him. “You scared the living hell out of me! How did you know to come here?”
    He shrugged. “I have followed you here before. I had to keep watch over you, particularly when you stayed here so late. You were so careless, never thinking of your own safety.”
    An insane freak lecturing me on safety? “You’ve got to be kidding me!” I yelled.
    He took my frozen hands in his warm ones.
    “You’re not cold?” My comment came out as an accusation. “Why aren’t you

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