Vanessa's Match

Vanessa's Match by Judy Christenberry

Book: Vanessa's Match by Judy Christenberry Read Free Book Online
Authors: Judy Christenberry
lunch. But finally, she could wait no longer. “What is the problem we’re facing?”
    “Well, if I give up Sharon, which I’m prepared to do, because, as you pointed out, she’s bad for Lindy and even worse for me, then I have no one to fill in on social occasions when I need a companion.”
    “Surely you know other women,” Vanessa said.
    “Not really. For the past six months I’ve spent twelve hours a day, six days a week, on a major acquisition that just went through, so I’ve sort of neglected my social life. I’m sure I’ll find someone soon, but until then, what do I do?”
    “I don’t see how this is my problem,” Vanessa protested.
    “I guess it’s not, but…I need help.”
    “I don’t have any ideas.”
    “Look, I know it would be asking a lot, but just until I meet someone, couldn’t you help me out?”
    “What are you talking about?”
    “Going out to dinner with me tomorrow night. I have a business meeting with a couple. I need a fourth.”
    “I can’t—”
    “So you’d rather I continued using Sharon?”
    “No, but—”
    “Do you have a girlfriend who’d take me on?”
    “No, but—I’m sure you could find someone who will—What does she have to do, anyway?”
    “Carry on a conversation with the wife so I can talk to her husband.”
    Vanessa looked at him in surprise. “And Sharon did that for you? I wouldn’t have thought she’d be willing.”
    “You’re right. I had to make it up to her every time. It wasn’t easy. But you’d be great at it. Please, won’t you help me out tomorrow night?” he repeated.
    “Tomorrow night? That soon?”
    “Yeah. That’s why I can’t find someone so quickly.” He realized, waiting for her answer, how important it was to him that she agree. As if a blindfold had been ripped off his eyes, he realized how perfect she would be, and how impossible Sharon had been.
    A frown creasing her forehead, Vanessa finally said, “I guess so. Just this once.”
    “Terrific. We’ll be going to NaNa, the restaurant in the Anatole. The food there is wonderful. Do you have a cocktail dress to wear? Something chic but not too skimpy?”
    “Yes, I do. I don’t need you to tell me how to dress for an evening out.”
    Rick held up a hand. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to offend.”
    “What will Lindy do while we’re out?”
    “Can’t she stay here with Betty and Peter?”
    “I suppose so, as long as we’re not back late.”
    “What do you consider late?” Rick asked, watching her.
    “Well, I wouldn’t think dinner would take too long.”
    At that moment Will entered the library again, this time with his wife. Vanessa forgot their conversation at once, and bounded over to hug her mother.
    After Vivian made it clear she wasn’t angry at Vanessa for telling Will, she turned to their guest. “I’m glad you’re still here, Rick. Will said he enjoyed talking to you.”
    “Same here. He certainly helped me.” Rick shot Will a smile. “And your daughter has agreed to help me out tomorrow evening with a business dinner, if you don’t mind our leaving Lindy here.”
    “I think that’s very nice of Vanessa,” Will said at once.
    “Yes, of course.” Vivian looked speculatively at her daughter, but she said nothing else.
    Rick stood. “Well, I guess I should go. I’ve taken up a lot of your time today.”
    “But you haven’t seen Lindy,” Vanessa protested. “She’ll be so disappointed if she doesn’t see you.”
    “I’ll be glad to see her—but did you tell your parents she invited me for Sunday dinner?” He looked at Vivian. “I don’t want to wear out my welcome.”
    “That’s impossible, Rick,” she said, smiling genuinely. “We want Lindy to feel like she’s part of the family. Any of our family is welcome on Sundays for dinner.”
    “I’ll go up and get Lindy,” Vanessa said as she moved to the door.
    Rick’s gaze followed her until he realized Will was speaking to him. “I’m sorry, I didn’t hear what you

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