Vengeance Is Mine

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Book: Vengeance Is Mine by Joanne Fluke Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joanne Fluke
drinking. There’s nothing more dangerous than a mean drunk. That Nordstrom boy was probably in fear for his life.”
    â€œWell, he didn’t learn hand-to-hand combat in the army.” Major Pietre laughed loudly. “The other side was only wounded. We taught our men to kill!”
    â€œThis news is depressing.” Gustie looked toward the door. “Isn’t lunch ready yet?”
    â€œShh. Here’s the boy’s lawyer.” Father Murphy leaned closer to the screen. “I hope he’s a Lutheran. No Catholic should defend a homosexual.”
    It was difficult for Bishop Donahue to sit quietly through the rest of the news. Black had moved by advancing Dale Kline to defend the Black Pawn. And Bishop Donahue’s White Rook, the Defender of Decency, had been seriously injured and was in danger of being captured. There was no other possible interpretation. He had to study the board immediately and block the advance.
    Sister Kate frowned as the bishop got up and walked toward the door. “Don’t leave now, Bishop Donahue. Lunch will be ready in just a minute.”
    â€œThank you, but I’m not hungry.” Bishop Donahue turned and gave her a smile. “Do you think I might have a sandwich later in the day?”
    â€œOh. Well . . . of course.”
    There were rules about eating at regular times, but Sister Kate was so shocked by the Bishop’s smile that she agreed without giving it a second thought. He seemed much more pleasant and alert today, and he’d been totally enthralled by News at Noon . Archbishop Ciminski and the doctor were right. The new television was doing Bishop Donahue a world of good.
    Sister Cecelia had prayed all afternoon. Her mind was in turmoil, and she was tempted to take just one forbidden tranquilizer, but she was sworn to obedience. The bishop needed her to be alert for the evening ahead.
    The sky was beginning to darken outside and Cissy knew it was time to go downstairs. As she passed Bishop Donahue’s door he looked up from his chessboard and smiled. Suddenly Cissy felt much better. His smile was a reward for her loyalty and devotion. She smiled back shyly and hurried down the stairs. Bishop Donahue was counting on her. She would do everything in her power to make certain he succeeded in accomplishing his duty.
    â€œI’m at the law library in the courthouse. In case of emergency, contact me there.”
    Dale Kline waited for the beep and set his answer phone to play the new message. It was already past seven, and he had to do research for a pleading on Monday morning. While he was there, he’d locate references for Brian Nordstrom’s case. It was good therapy to keep busy. Then he wouldn’t think about Cindy. He had lost his daughter. He had no one to blame but himself, and the reality was wrenchingly painful.
    Dale threw his coat over his shoulder. It was only half a block to the courthouse, and he didn’t bother to put the coat on as he dashed across the icy street. There were seventeen steps to the door, and Dale forced himself to climb them on the run. Lawyers got plenty of exercise in St. Cloud. The courtrooms were on the second floor, and the lounge was in the basement. Duluth residents claimed their women had the shapeliest legs because the city was built on a hill, but Dale was sure St. Cloud lawyers could give them a run for their money.
    Local lawyers were given keys to the courthouse law library when they passed the bar. Dale found the right key on his chain and hurried down the stairs to the lower level. The library was predictably deserted. It was Saturday, and everyone else was enjoying the weekend.
    The cleaning crew was working in the hallway, polishing the solid granite floors. Even with the door closed, he could hear the swish of the machines and the occasional shouted comment. Dale was glad there were other people in the building. The courthouse was eerie when it was

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