Venomous: Erotic Science Fiction Romance (Alien Warrior Book 1)
leaving a breast to jiggle free. “I can’t let them see me like this.”
    “Because it’d be hazardous to the health of my vagina?”
    Muttering, “Strange female,” Venomous arrowed his bright gaze into the indigo press of the thicket at pre-dawn.
    Dancing wind kissed my ankles with dew, and I sniffed at the floral, woody scent drifting from the lustrous foliage rustling at the base of giant boles.
    The aimless flit and of buzz of insects teased my ears, and I waved off a gnat trying to use the bridge of my nose as a landing strip.
    The rusty croak of native fauna, and primal screams of greater beasts, while petrifying the night before, now sounded natural.
    I couldn’t see past a few steps from where Venomous stood, a noble sentinel far from home, yet as indigenous to this foreign land as a lost traveller could be.
    He’s probably making sure no one lurks nearby ready to make with all the stabbing and raping when our backs are turned.
    My head rolled on my neck, and I glared at the root-wreathed ceiling with a huffy sigh.
    I hate this place.
    He ducked back in to face me. “On home world Rä’Vek and Rä’Na cover things.” He cupped his cock. “No dishonour bare flesh on slave world.” His hand dropped. “Understand?”
    I got what he was saying, but my human modesty wasn’t having any of it. “You want other males looking at me?”
    “Males look.” He shot me a look of finality with those bottomless black pools. “Make peace. No coverings.”
    I held up my palm. This was another of those moments I needed to lay down the law . “I’m just not comfortable walking around naked.” When he remained cold and silent, I hunched over. “Please?”
    Studying my huddled shoulders, he softened. “I trade. Cover mine Lumen’s vents and chest lumps.” He touched his palm to mine. “Pleases you?”
    Appreciative, I relaxed and gave him a soft look. My fingers curled through his. “Yes. Thank you. I’m so glad you under–”
    Venomous clasped my hand in a vice grip then yanked me from the room.
    “No! Wait!” I rocked on my heels. “I can’t!”
    Venomous shifted the boulder that acted as a door. “Stay close. Always. Forever and always.”
    Finished sealing the crevice, he clutched my hand then dragged me after him.

    A t first, I tried to cover the whole of my chest with the canister as I stumbled behind him.
    The aliens we passed eyed my breasts so absorbedly, I realised I gave off an alluring vibe to the needy males rather than one of modesty.
    Out of sorts, I opened my mouth wide to complain.
    Seeing how Venomous walked naked with his head lifted high, I snapped it shut.
    Intrigued, I observed him, learned from him.
    He exuded a ‘ don’t fuck with me ’ aura even though he was bare.
    Lifting my chin, I straightened my shoulders and dropped my hands.
    I made ‘ come closer and I’ll end you’ eye contact, and as soon as I did, most of the slaves averted their faces.
    I even growled a little when a gaze lingered at the apex of my thighs.
    The aliens followed a dominance hierarchy.
    Venomous sat entrenched at the top, it seemed, and by extension, I was regarded as someone not to offend.
    It made sense.
    From their perspective if Venomous’ female became ‘upset’ he might get angry and react accordingly.
    Hissing and poison spitting in honour of yours truly.
    It was kind of hot.
    I found more and more about my alien appealing, his magnificent body and protectiveness included.
    This happy conclusion gave my courage a boost, and my stressed heartbeat steadied.
    Alas, it tangoed again when he pulled me through a large fissure that opened into a cavern.
    I calmed at a glance as it was empty but for two.
    After witnessing the fight to win me, I knew Venomous could wipe the floor with them should they feel idiot enough to attack.
    A waterfall gushed from an aperture in the ceiling and streamed along the stone floor until it eddied down a crack acting as a drain.

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