Vivienne's Guilt

Vivienne's Guilt by Heather M. Orgeron

Book: Vivienne's Guilt by Heather M. Orgeron Read Free Book Online
Authors: Heather M. Orgeron
Tags: General Fiction
everyone else’s benefit. I want to make her light up. In more ways than one.
    I know it’s wrong to want her, but I can’t fucking help it. I would never betray Uncle Abbott that way, but showing her a little attention and lending her a shoulder to cry on is harmless, right?
    I try to concentrate on skinning the last couple of fish, but my eyes keep wandering over to Vivienne in that short yellow dress. She’s standing a few feet away, watching Tillie pull worms out of the bucket, and that should totally be a turn-off...seeing her with her daughter. But everything about her calls out to me, even the way she dotes on her kid.
    Hell, Vivienne Parker just fucking turns me on. Period.
    I drop the last of the fish into the bowl with a splat. “Hey, ladies...all done here,” I call out, rinsing my hands in the lake water and then drying them off on my shorts.
    “Oh, awesome!” Viv shakes herself out of her daze and rewards me with a huge smile. “Why don’t we go inside and I’ll make you two some sandwiches for lunch?” she offers, reaching out for the bowl. Her hand barely brushes against mine and the sensation is enough to set my soul on fire. “I’ll put these in the fridge and fry them up for dinner.”
    She’s radiant this morning. It’s the only word I can find to describe her. This is a whole other level of attraction, and if I don’t watch myself, I could be in deep shit. I thought she was beautiful before—beautifully broken—but a smiling Vivienne, a happy Vivienne, is a sight to behold.
    I catch myself staring at the freckles that dot her cheeks and give her a tense smile. “Sure, Viv. That sounds great. I’m just going to go grab a shower, and I’ll meet you and Tillie up at the house,” I say, already walking backwards away from Vivienne.

    I place one hand on the shower wall and the other around my painfully hard cock. One touch from this woman and I need release. I stroke up and down, picturing that perfect ass. Those impossibly long legs. I allow myself to pretend that she’s here in front of me. I hike up that yellow dress, pull her panties to the side, and ram into her over and over. I squeeze my shaft as I pump harder and faster, imagining that it’s her tight pussy welcoming my every thrust. I feel the tightening in my groin as I cum...hard...with my aunt’s face on my mind.
    Sick bastard.

    The screen door slams shut just as I’m returning to the kitchen from putting Matilda in her room for a nap. “Hey, Reid,” I call out, “in here.”
    I watch as Reid saunters into the room wearing gray cargo shorts and a light blue tee; the color against his eyes is striking. He has a presence about him that is welcoming and comforting. Maybe it’s just his likeness to Abbott, but now that I am over the shock and on my just feels good to be around him.
    “Hey, Aunt—ugh, hey, Vivienne,” he chuckles. “That’s gonna take a little getting used to. Sorry,” he says with a guilty shrug.
    “Don’t worry about it.” I wave him off, grabbing our plates from the counter. “Let’s have lunch out on the porch. It’s such a gorgeous day. Would you mind getting us each a Coke from the fridge?” I ask as I push the door open with my hip.
    Reid grabs our drinks and follows me out to the table on the screened in porch. It’s a warm day, but there’s a nice breeze coming off the water, and the ceiling fans offer some added circulation.
    We enjoy a comfortable silence as we eat our lunch, the only sounds coming from the whirring of the fans and the birds in the trees. I love that Reid can appreciate the beauty of our surroundings. I watch his profile and fixate on the movement of his jaw as he stares out at the water. There’s something magical about being able to offer someone peace with your presence alone. I’ve only ever gotten that from Abbott and Cassie. It’s nice to have another kindred spirit.
    “So, when do you start football practice?” I ask once

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