Waiting for Something

Waiting for Something by Whitney Tyrrell

Book: Waiting for Something by Whitney Tyrrell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Whitney Tyrrell
call it. Simply, it’s meant to be.
                  Yours, Ali Cat
    This was going to be a long three months. I walked back to Carter’s house and decided to break things off now or I’d never have the heart to do it. I wouldn’t tell him why but I had to do it. I opened the door and suddenly I forgot how to breathe.
    “Carter, let’s go for a walk,” I saw him on the couch browsing through channels.
    “Yeah, ok. My parents are leaving for Europe for a couple of weeks so let me say goodbye.” He looked lonely all of the sudden.
    “You’re kidding?” My jaw dropped and my heart closed up.
    “No. They said that Jake leaving is too much to handle right now so they need a little break. I’m all alone for now. Two weeks means a month in their world,” he slipped on his shoes and started upstairs to say goodbye.
    “Oh, baby, do you want to stay at my house?” I followed him.
    “I’ll be fine. Mom? Dad?” he peeked in their room.
    “Well hello, sweetie, we’re just about to head out.” His mom looked at him with a fake smile.
    “Yeah, okay. Well Ali and I are going for a walk, so I wanted to say goodbye,” he stuffed his hands in his pockets.
    “Oh, of course. I love you. We’ll be back soon,” she hugged him and gave him a wet kiss on his cheek.
    “See you, son,” his dad just nodded at him.
    “Have a nice trip, you two,” I stood there awkwardly.
    “Thank you, Ali. I’ll get you some clothes from Greece. They have the cutest fashion,” his mom said, grinning.
    “Oh, thanks,” my smile was weak.
    His parents left in the cab that they called and we waved goodbye to them. My stomach was sick. What was I going to do? I couldn’t break up with now, now that he’s alone. We started down the block walking by several other houses.
    “You look cute today,” he said as he held my hand.
    “Aw thanks. You look pretty darn good, too.” I leaned my head on his shoulder.
    “I don’t want this moment to end,” he sighed heavily and I felt his body relax.
    “Ditto.” I felt myself relax next to him. But instead of enjoying the moment with Carter, I imagined myself with Jake.
    “These next three months are going to suck,” his voice got all choked up.
    “I know, trust me. But it’ll go by faster than you think.” I was more trying to reassure myself than him.
    “You’re right. Especially since I have you,” his face lightened up.
    “You’ll always have me.” I squeezed him close and held back my fighting doubt.
    We walked to the beach and just enjoyed the crisp, winter day. Thinking back to how everything has happened is scary. It’s almost the end of the school year and before I know it I’ll be a senior. I feel like all along this place has been my home more than Colorado ever had been. I’ve my life-long friends and I’ve learned a lot about myself. I’m not sure I’m so happy with who I’ve become, but everyone around me seems to like it.
    My parents said that Carter could stay for as long as he needed, but he had to stay in the guest bedroom. He came over with a bag and I helped him make himself at home. My family loved Carter, so he connected with them really easily. I felt terrible because he doesn’t have that with his parents.
    The next morning we woke up and went to church. Carter loved coming to church with us. It was like Carter was living the childhood he never had. We went through the day like it was any normal day together and when it was time to go to bed, I was more than ready. I headed to my room and began writing a letter to Jake. I missed him so much already.
    ** **
    Over the last month, Carter has finally returned home and I’m sort of glad. Having him around was great and I really still liked being with him, but dating him was getting to be a bit too much. I felt terrible and had no idea what to do, so of course Friday morning before school, I talked to Marlie before class.
    “ Marlie, I don’t know what to do. If I break up with Carter now I’ll

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