What Happened After Vegas? (Unexpected Love #2)

What Happened After Vegas? (Unexpected Love #2) by Sharon Cummin

Book: What Happened After Vegas? (Unexpected Love #2) by Sharon Cummin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sharon Cummin
that he'd
protect her with everything he had. There was no way she could let
him do that. He had to much going for him to be with her. She thought
about all of the horrible things Jake said in front of Cliff. He said
she awful in bed. He said she got with Cliff to get back at him.
didn't know you were his boss," she said. "I never would
have talked to you if I had known. I'm so sorry."
was interrupted when two police officers came running up the stairs
with guns drawn. Jake was just opening his eyes when they approached.
One officer stood over him while the other walked into the apartment
where Cliff was holding Rachel.
told the police the entire story. They took pictures of her and the
broken picture on the floor. Cliff spoke with them as well. Jake was
so drunk he could barely get off of the floor. He told the officer he
wanted to press charges. Cliff let him know he should think for a
minute before he made that decision. They took Jake with them since
he was so intoxicated. His face was going to be pretty bruised up.
One of the officers suggested that she get a restraining order
started early Monday morning. He didn't think it would take much
since Jake came in uninvited and pushed himself on her. Cliff assured
the officer that it would be done first thing Monday.

quickly cleaned up the glass that was broken on the ground as soon as
the officers left with Jake. Through all the commotion and crying,
she hadn't noticed Cliff's hand bleeding.
he asked.
hand is bleeding," she said, as she took off for the kitchen.
came back into the room with stuff to clean his cut and wrap his
hand. Once she had it taken care of, she grabbed a bag of ice.
going to swell," she said. "Maybe you should go to the
not that bad. I'll take something for it when we get back to my
house. Pack a bag. Make sure you get everything you'll need for the
looked at him and shook her head.
shake your head at me, woman," he said roughly. "You're
going home with me. If that fucker comes back, I'll be in jail."
don't think I should. I'm not sure I'll be good company."
if they let him out? You don't think this is the first place he'll
come. He's not touching you ever again. I let it go when he sent you
the text. You said he was harmless. What he did today was far from
harmless. I don't know what I would've done if he had hurt you. The
thought of him forcing you to kiss him is enough to send my blood
boiling. It's been an emotional evening, and there is no way I'm
sleeping tonight without you in my arms. I need you with me. So, will
you please go and pack a bag. If not, I will throw you over my
shoulder, strap you in my car, and you will wear those clothes or be
naked for the remainder of the weekend. It's your choice."
put up her hand to stop him.
pack a bag."
was back within minutes and they were on their way.
you don't mind, I'd like to just go back to my place. We can do
dinner tomorrow. If you really want to go tonight, we will."
she said. "I just want quiet. I want to feel safe. Thank you so
much for believing me and for being there. Thank you for taking care
of me."
will keep you safe. I will do everything and anything to protect you.
I'm taking you to the station Monday to get a restraining order. You
could press charges if you wanted."
just want him out of my life," she said. "A restraining
order will be fine. I agree that I need one. I never thought he would
do something like what he did tonight. I was so afraid he was going
to hurt me."
will never happen. He's out of your life. I promise you that."
pulled into a long drive. It was just beginning to get dark. The lawn
was perfectly manicured. It was beautiful. His house came into view,
and Rachel gasped.
house is gorgeous. I love the wrap around porch. The flowers are so
pretty. Did you plant them?" she asked.

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