What Happens Abroad

What Happens Abroad by Jen McConnel

Book: What Happens Abroad by Jen McConnel Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jen McConnel
ride back to Florence was uncomfortable. Because of my taut skin, I was acutely aware of the scratchy seat fabric, and I couldn’t find a position that didn’t press on some part of my burned flesh. The Zen-like calm and beer buzz I’d had at the beach had both totally vanished by the time the train rolled into the station back in Florence. I winced as I pulled my bag over my shoulder, gritting my teeth as the strap bit into my burn.
    Sarah smiled at me sympathetically. “Maybe we can find some aloe or something on the way home.”
    I shook my head. “I doubt it. There wasn’t any in the little shop at the beach; why would there be any in Florence? Clearly,” I said snarkily, “people in Italy never get sunburned.”
    Joelle chuckled. “Poor baby. Maybe you can take a cool bath or something?”
    Before I could answer, a tall guy backed into me, his head craned up to read the clock on the train station wall.
    â€œOuch! Watch it!” I wasn’t in any mood to be polite, but when the guy turned around, the room started to spin. Recognition dawned on his face, and I took a step back, stunned.
    He reached his arms for me, but then he dropped them awkwardly to his sides. His smile was a little crooked, but his eyes were the same warm hazel eyes I remembered, and they looked bright. “I can’t believe it!”
    I shook my head. “What are you doing here?”
    He rubbed the back of his neck with his hand. “Well, I guess I was”—he cleared his throat—“I wanted to find you, Camie.”
    I stared at him, dumbfounded. “You came all the way to Italy for that? But you might not have found me,” I said, stupidly.
    He grinned. “The universe was looking out for me!”
    Joelle appeared at my side. “Camie, are you okay? We were outside before we realized you weren’t behind us.” She glanced at Hunter, and then back at me.
    I took a shaky breath. “I’m okay. Joelle, um, this is Hunter.”
    Her eyes widened and she stared at him in disbelief. “What’s he doing here?”
    Hunter coughed, and I shrugged. “Just traveling, I guess.”
    He didn’t contradict me, and I was glad. If he thought we’d have some magical, romantic reunion, he was going to be disappointed. Even if he had come all that way to find me, I was still reeling from the sight of him. My heart was pounding erratically, and my mouth was suddenly dry. What the hell was I supposed to do now?
    Joelle eyed me critically. Finally, she stuck out her hand. “I’m Joelle. Camie’s . . . mentioned you.”
    Hunter grinned sheepishly. “She probably told you I was an ass.”
    â€œYes,” Joelle said, not beating around the bush. “Are you?”
    Before Hunter could answer, Sarah appeared. “Who’s this?”
    â€œIt’s Hunter,” Joelle said, her voice laced with meaning. Sarah let out a little squeak.
    â€œIs he going to stay with us?”
    â€œNo!” I finally found my voice. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
    Hunter shrugged, but I thought he looked hurt. “I’ll find a place. No worries there.”
    Sarah nodded, and her eyes searched mine. I don’t know what she saw; I could barely figure out how I was feeling. Finally, Sarah turned to Joelle. “We should get back. I want to shower off the sand.”
    Joelle nodded, watching me. “Coming, Camie?”
    I glanced at Hunter. “Yeah. Yeah, I am.”
    They started to walk away, and Hunter reached for my hand. “Camie,” he began, but I clenched my fist and he dropped my hand.
    â€œI’ll see you, I guess,” I said, turning to leave the train station.
    Hunter fell into step beside me. “Will you?” His voice was serious.
    I sighed, pinching my nose before I remembered my sunburn. The skin on my face pulsed angrily, and I put my hand

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