What Janie Wants

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Book: What Janie Wants by Rhenna Morgan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rhenna Morgan
I pump your confidence any higher, half the women at the resort will instantaneously combust.”
    He ducked his head.
    Good grief, was he blushing?
    Yep. He looked back up, and a hint of pink dotted his sharp cheekbones. He pursed his lips a minute, thoughtful, and then pulled a folded piece of paper from his pocket. “You know that idea you had? About my business and talking to a lawyer?” He unfolded the papers, and held them so she couldn’t see the print. “Well, I called a guy Arlo recommended the next morning while you were still asleep and sent him a copy of the contract. While I was up there I did a little surfing on Arlo’s computer for you, too.”
    “ For me?”
    The papers bobbed from the steady swirl of the wind above. “So, don’t take this as a push, all right? I just thought I’d show you there are a lot of options out there.”
    He cleared a space between them and smoothed the sheets out so they faced her.
    Business Administration. Business Management. Business Technology.
    She thumbed through the pages. “These are degree programs.”
    “ Did you know there are fifty colleges offering programs within fifteen miles of Dallas?”
    “ No.” She probably should, with one kid already burning through tuition and another about to start, but McKenna and Thomas had picked their ideal locations long before she’d ever thought to research.
    “ Yeah, blew my mind, too. But there are a ton of options out there. And if the classroom thing bugs you out, you can always do an online program. At least to start.”
    College. At her age. That hadn’t been just lip service he’d given her when he’d first mentioned it. “You really think I can do this.”
    “ Uh, yeah.” He sat back in his chair, knees wide and hands loose in his lap. “You’re a smart woman, Janie. Practically every place we’ve gone you’ve jumped in to help people when they needed it. You fix things that need fixing before people even realize something’s wrong.”
    “ Pfft. Name one.”
    “ The new hostess when she got the parties waiting for a table confused.”
    “ Well, her trainer shouldn’t have left her alone with so many people waiting.” She smoothed her napkin out on her lap. “That was just common decency.”
    He rested his chin on his hand. “What about the couple with the mixed up itinerary at the resort?”
    “ What about them?”
    “ You could’ve waited until Arlo made it up from his office, but you jumped on the business center computer and helped them track down what was wrong.”
    Hmmm. She had jumped in pretty easily.
    “ I see you’re getting it.” He leaned in, pulled one of her hands from the stack of papers, and clasped it. “What I don’t think you realize is you do it all the time. Quickly. Without thinking. And always with a smile.”
    But those were small things. Surely nothing that would translate into a career.
    Business Administration: Majors in business administration should expect to focus on learning and developing the skills necessary to plan, organize and manage the many aspects involved in running a business, including business processes and financial analysis. Students will be prepared to excel in a variety of business opportunities in different industries. Potential job titles a graduate of this program might expect to fill: Human resources manager, business analyst, or operations analyst.
    Wow. Janie McAlister. In an office. A professional. “But the things I do can’t be equated to real world office-type things.”
    He shuttled his thumb back and forth against the pulse at her wrist. “My attorney called while I was getting ready for dinner. That clause you mentioned, the one that requires the seller to maintain the integrity of the company? Mine has something like that. The attorney thinks I have grounds to get my business back. I don’t call that small. And you gave me the direction I needed.”
    “ Oh.” Her stomach flipped on his behalf and her heart jolted. She’d

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