What Love Sounds Like

What Love Sounds Like by Alissa Callen

Book: What Love Sounds Like by Alissa Callen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alissa Callen
Tags: Romance, Contemporary
the mug and placed it onto the kitchen island. ‘Kade, Tilly needs more than mere words.’
    He rummaged in the plastic bags before him and pulled out two five-high towers of plastic containers. ‘Do ten tubs of gelato count as proof of intent?’
    She stared at the array of rainbow tubs as if he’d pulled Tilly’s toy rabbit out from a hat.
    ‘I must confess,’ he said, ‘I couldn’t find a grey flavour so had to make do with something called Lollipop Liquorice.’
    Mia took the top tub labelled Cotton-Tail Crunch and peeled off the lid to peer inside. Her eyes smiled. ‘Actually, as ice-cream currency goes, gelato is perfectly acceptable. Tilly will be thrilled.’
    The warmth of Mia’s approval soothed the dull ache of fatigue behind his eyes. His apology had been accepted.
    ‘Great.’ He searched through another kitchen drawer and found the ice-cream scoop he’d been looking for. ‘In that case, I think it’s my duty as Tilly’s guardian to be the official taste tester.’
    He opened a cupboard to his left, withdrew two bowls and collected two spoons from the cutlery drawer. He offered Mia a spoon and bowl. The range-hood light caught in her hair as she shook her head. ‘I believe it’s milk, not sugar, I need.’
    ‘You know, I believe gelato is listed as number two in the insomniac almanac.’
    She laughed. ‘Thanks for the offer but no thanks.’ She picked up her mug. ‘Good night.’
    He’d apologised and she’d accepted his apology. He should let her go. But he must be even more tired than he’d thought, because suddenly it seemed important that he prove to her that he wasn’t at all like unfeeling Langford.
    ‘One bowl of gelato for a whole day of me not pestering you to use the music room.’
    ‘Pestering? Is that another word for ordering?’
    ‘Yes, rather like negotiating is another word for blackmail.’
    Her mouth swept into a smile. ‘Two days.’
    He groaned. ‘That’s a big ask. Two whole days of me biting my tongue for one little bowl of gelato.’
    ‘Yes. Take it or leave it.’
    ’Looks like I have no choice.’ He broke eye contact to pick up a gelato tub. The shadows wouldn’t be enough to disguise the relief that he knew would show on his face. ‘But I get to choose the first flavour.’
    ‘Done.’ She returned her mug to the bench top. ‘Do I tell you now that Tilly isn’t the only one with a sweet tooth? I would have agreed to one day of no pestering.’
    Ten minutes later, across the narrow width of the kitchen island, Kade watched Mia spoon pink gelato into her mouth. With her tousled hair and no make-up she looked the antithesis of the formidable speech pathologist he’d met in her office. And even more beautiful.
    He ate his last spoonful and snuck another look at Mia as her tongue searched for traces of gelato left upon her lips. His insides tightened. Mia’s kryptonite effect on him had to stem from more than just her attractiveness. After all he’d had plenty of pretty faces try and distract him. There was just something about being around her that made him feel…valued. When he spoke, she listened. It was though, in that moment, he was the only thing of importance. He’d only ever experienced such a feeling before when he’d spent his fortnight with his grandmother. As for the fun and laughter that always seemed to accompany Mia, if he were honest, such chaos had begun to break up the monotony of his day.
    ‘I think this flavour is my favourite.’ She inspected his empty bowl. ‘Did you try this one? I know you don’t like pink things but it tastes really good.’
    He should stand and return the gelato to the freezer but he couldn’t look away. Simple delight shone from her eyes. She leaned forward, her heavy hair slipped over her bare shoulders and he smelled fresh apples.
    She offered him her spoon. ‘Here, have some?’
    Without thought he opened his mouth. She slid the cold spoon between his lips. Silky gelato glided down his throat. Her

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