Whatever Tomorrow Brings (The Californians 1)
her and..."
    Sean could not go on, but then, he didn't need to. The picture was now quite clear to Rigg as to why they were no longer living with their aunt. He didn't think it had gone as far as rape but then it didn't need to, evidently, to leave lifelong scars.
    Rigg chose his next words carefully. "Sean, is your sister all right?"
    "I think so. She hasn't talked about it so maybe it didn't bother her as much as it bothered me."
    Rigg didn't believe that for an instant, but kept the thought to himself.
    "I'm glad I came into the library when I did or I don't like to think what would have happened." Rigg knew great relief with those words but also realized that even though the worst didn't happen, this was very serious.
    "Sean," he finally spoke. 'Are you afraid that your cousin will show up here?"
    "I've thought of that but no, I think he's a coward. He won't come here."
    "Then I'll tell you what you probably already know. You've got to forgive this man." Sean clearly did not want to hear those words and he sat back down in his chair with a dejected thud.
    "Don't be discouraged by my words, Sean. God can help you to that end. I believe that with all of my heart."
    "I believe it too," Sean admitted quietly.
    Rigg could see that he'd said enough. Silently he decided to look up some verses on forgiveness in his Bible and share them with Sean when the time was right. The life of Joseph came to mind, as recorded in Genesis in the Bible. Joseph was a man persecuted by his family and yet, when he was given the chance, he forgave them.
    The men cleaned up the kitchen and Rigg, checking on Sean less than 15 minutes after he'd gone to bed, found him sound asleep.
    One street away Kate wished for sleep. She'd confessed her actions to the Lord and knew that in the morning she had to make it right with Mr. Riggs.
    Outside of that, the only reason sleep wouldn't come was because she was freezing. After sundown the temperature had plummeted. Now in bed with only the lightest of blankets to cover them, the only warm spot on her was where Marcail was snuggled up against her.
    She felt Marcail shiver and pulled her a little closer. She sighed in the darkness. It looked like it was going to be a long night.

seven teen

    The next morning Rigg awoke with a start. With everything Sean had told him, he'd completely forgotten to ask about the Donovans' financial state. It had been greatly on his mind when he left that small house where he'd seen two people sharing a spoon and all three of them eating from the same pot.
    The next thing Rigg thought of made him sit up and reach for his pants. Santa Rosa's nights were very cold and he hadn't noticed any blankets.
    Rigg was glad to see Sean up when he walked into the kitchen from his own room. He came right to the point.
    "Good morning, Sean. I wanted to ask you something last night and it completely slipped my mind. Do you and your sisters have enough money?"
    Sean felt uncomfortable about the question, as though answering would be hinting that he wanted a higher salary from the mercantile.
    "Well, Kate and I really haven't started to work yet. We'll be fine as soon as payday comes."
    Rigg began making coffee and thought how nicely he'd evaded the question. But Rigg was not to be put off.
    "What about right now, Sean? Do you have enough money for right now?"
    "We have a little."
    "How much?" Rigg asked and was thinking, When you break your rule about other people's business Rigg, you break it good.
    Sean could see that he wanted an answer but still he hesitated. Rigg's chest, just as tan as his face, became the focal point of Sean's unseeing stare as he tried to think of what to say. Rigg was silent for a full minute.
    His hand moved over the hair on his chest and he smiled. "Sean, buddy, what are you staring at?" The amusement in Rigg's voice brought Sean's attention back and Rigg tried another tactic.
    "Do you know how much money you have, or does Kaitlin keep track?"
    "I know."
    "Is it enough

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