When a Scot Ties the Knot

When a Scot Ties the Knot by Tessa Dare

Book: When a Scot Ties the Knot by Tessa Dare Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tessa Dare
than an idle interest in his amorous activities. In order to ensure Castle Lannair would be their permanent home, he needed to consummate the marriage. There was a lot riding on Logan’s . . . riding.
    As of this morning, he was letting them down.
    He hated that feeling. In battle, he’d been their infallible, loyal officer, leading them into battle without so much as a blink. Not anymore.
    Callum, always the peacemaker, tried to apologize. “We’re just having a bit o’ sport with you, Captain. She must have been weary last night, and you only just came home to her. Was quite a shock, I expect. There’s no shame in giving her time to adjust to the idea. I’m certain your lass thinks it sweet.”
    Curse it all. First cuddling. Now he was sweet?
    â€œThat’ll be enough,” he said. “If I hear of any more wagers like this one, heads will be cracked. You should spend your time on something more worthwhile. Like shoveling out the castle stables this afternoon.”
    â€œBut Captain . . .” Callum lifted his amputated arm.
    â€œNo pity from this quarter.”
    Until he could put any doubt to rest, he would do what he’d done for the past several years: keep the men working and focused on the future.
    They placed stones to mark out sites for building and planting. Then he led the group up the slope to survey the grazing lands from a higher vantage.
    â€œThere’s no time to be wasted,” he said. “If we want to have a harvest this autumn, we need to put crops in the ground by Beltane.”
    â€œLet’s hope the land’s yours by Beltane,” Rabbie said.
    â€œIt’s mine already. I’ve married her.”
    â€œAye, in word. But the English have a way of breaking their word, up here in the Highlands.”
    â€œI’ll remind you, that’s my wife you’re discussing.”
    Rabbie gave him a doubting look. “Is it?”
    Maddie would be his wife. Fully, legally, permanently, and soon. He’d acceded to her requests for a delay last night because of everything Callum said: She’d had a shock and a long, wearying day.
    He knew she was curious, and he’d tasted her kiss. There was potential for matters to be good between them—­perhaps even incendiary. It would be a crime to squander their agreed-­upon night by pressing her too far, too fast.
    When Logan bedded his wife, she would not only be willing. She would want it. She would be pleading for him.
    And he’d leave her so limp and exhausted with pleasure that she could have no thought of any cuddling afterward.
    â€œSay, Captain.” Callum motioned back toward the castle. “Looks as though you have a visitor.”
    Logan peered into the distance. An elegant coach-­and-­four had drawn up in front of the castle’s entrance. A man alighted from the coach. No sooner had the man’s boots met the ground than a small figure in gray emerged from the castle to greet him, as though she’d been expecting him to call.
    â€œOn second thought,” Rabbie said, “looks as though your lady has a visitor.”
    An uncomfortable silence fell over the group.
    â€œI expect it’s probably some man of business,” Munro said. “Don’t all English ladies have men of business?”
    â€œDo you see that team of bays?” Fyfe put in. “That’s no working man’s coach-­and-­four.”
    Logan remained quiet. He didn’t know who Maddie’s visitor might be. But he meant to find out.
    â€œLord Varleigh.” Maddie dropped a curtsy. “Do come in. It’s always a pleasure to see you.”
    â€œThe pleasure is mine, Miss Gracechurch.”
    Miss Gracechurch.
    The words gave Maddie pause. Was she still Miss Gracechurch? Should she correct him?
    Maddie decided against it. It was too complicated to explain right now, and Lord Varleigh would

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