Wicked Edge

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Book: Wicked Edge by Nina Bangs Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nina Bangs
might slow me down, but it won’t stop me. All I have to do is snap the chains, blow away the door, and leave.”
    “Good point.” Ganymede turned his attention back to Passion.
    She didn’t like the gleam in his eyes. Damn. Too late to run.
    “This Hope that’s rooming with you must have some sort of power.” Ganymede looked as though he were thinking things out as he went.
    Passion shrugged as she backed toward the door. “I have to leave and—”
    “Once Hope calmed Edge down, then you healed the aftereffects.” Ganymede looked around as though the solution was obvious. “They have to stay here with Edge.”
    “No.” Edge and Passion said it at the same time.
    Strangely, Passion felt hurt that he agreed with her. And thatdidn’t make any sense at all. But then nothing made sense since she’d landed here.
    “Hope and I don’t have any special powers. You’re all just imagining things. We’re paying guests, and you don’t have the right to—”
    Ganymede heaved an exaggerated sigh. “I’m getting really tired of your denials. I’ll have to eat a quart of ice cream in front of the TV tonight to get rid of the annoying buzz.”
    “I don’t want them here with me.”
    Edge’s eyes were cold. No emotion, no hint that Passion was anything more than a pesky human. She tried not to take his rejection personally.
    “I think it’s a great idea.” Sparkle had finally found a cause to get behind. “Edge spends too much time alone. This will be good for him.” She narrowed her eyes to sly slits of anticipation.
    Passion might not know anything about Sparkle Stardust, but she knew that expression spelled bad news for her.
    “Here’s the deal, Angel.” Ganymede smiled at Passion. Not a nice smile. “Let’s assume for the moment that you
think you’re an angel. I’ve never experienced the feeling, but I assume angels have enhanced consciences.” He held his hand up to stop her denial. “If Edge goes off again, and there’s no one to stop him…”
    He let the thought linger, and Passion hated him for the guilt trip she saw coming.
    “Thousands of people would die during a battle between cosmic troublemakers with our power. Galveston Island would be a pile of rubble. Those that lived would be outta jobs. Hey, in this economy, it would be tough for them to survive. The government might even think it was an enemy attack and—”
    Crap, crap, crap. “Fine, I’ll stay. But I can’t speak for Hope.” Passion knew she’d just made the second biggest mistake of her life. The first had been her demand that the Almighty give her anaudience because, well, everyone should at least know what their boss looked like. That demand had landed her down here.
    But she
an angel. Turning her back on all those people would be unforgivable. Not that Passion thought that
could do anything, but Hope might have powers that Passion never knew about.
    “Hope was terrified. I don’t think she’ll agree to this.”
Please, please don’t agree, Hope.
    “Don’t I have anything to say about it?” Edge’s voice dripped ice.
    “Of course you do, sweetie.” Sparkle leaned over to run her fingers along his arm.
    Ganymede narrowed his eyes.
    “But it won’t be for that long. I’m sure we’ll find who’s doing this within a few days.” She slipped her hand into his.
    Passion narrowed
    “Besides, you won’t be alone with them. Ganymede will be there too.” She slid Ganymede a gotcha grin.
    “No, I won’t.”
    “Yes, you will.” Edge was all over this. “You think you’re safe from attack? Knowing you, you’d wipe out a few major cities before your brain engaged again.”
    Ganymede opened his mouth then shut it with a snap. His glare at Sparkle said she’d pay for this.
    “It’s going to be a little crowded. How will you squeeze four beds in here with all the torture stuff that’s…?” Passion’s voice trailed off as she saw Sparkle’s smile.
    “Don’t even think about it.”

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