Wicked Edge

Wicked Edge by Nina Bangs

Book: Wicked Edge by Nina Bangs Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nina Bangs
her to scoop up one of the glass shards from her broken window and begin slicing.
    “You’re right.” She picked her way across the floor to retrieve her shoes. “
will be happening here tonight.” Her narrowed eyes and thinned lips promised that Ganymede may as well change back into a cat, because the queen of sex and sin was leaving the house.
    No one spoke as they walked back to Wicked Fantasy, the small club Sparkle owned in the castle. A few minutes later, they were all seated around a table in a darkened corner. Bain and Holgarth had joined them. Edge spent a few minutes running through what he remembered.
    “Has anyone else had problems?” Passion had seated herself opposite Edge.
    “Yeah, I’ve had a few.” Ganymede sounded reluctant to talk.
    Edge knew Ganymede was
reluctant to talk, except when it might expose a weakness. Tough shit. At least Ganymede hadn’t misplaced his brain so far.
    “A couple of times in the last few weeks I might’ve wanted to blow something up.” Ganymede shrugged. “I handled it.”
    Edge smiled. Ganymede wasn’t going to mention the evaporating mountain in the Himalayas or the San Andreas Fault’s booty shaking.
    Sparkle spoke up. “Mede won’t say it because he wants everyone to think he’s all powerful, so I’ll say it for him.” She offered Ganymedea frosty stare. “The same thing that happened to Edge could happen to him.”
    Ganymede looked like he wanted to argue the point but after glancing into Sparkle’s eyes, he chugged his drink instead.
Edge aimed the thought at Ganymede.
    Ganymede glared at him but didn’t say anything.
say something. “I realize we have a massive collection of egos here, but someone needs to point out the obvious. Someone or something extremely powerful, with an agenda as yet to be revealed, is putting the whole island of Galveston in danger. He, she, or possibly
has to know what could happen, and they don’t care.” He held up his hand. “I realize it’s difficult for any cosmic troublemaker to admit, but someone out there is more powerful than either of you.”
    Dacian narrowed his gaze on Bain. “Well, I know it isn’t me. But we’ve never quite figured out how much power you have, demon.”
    Bain laughed. “If you’re lucky, you never will.” His laughter died. “If I wanted to kill you, I’d do it directly. Someone’s playing games. I wonder why.”
    Ganymede grunted. “Better hope I never find them. It’ll be game over in a permanent way.”
    “So who would have a grudge against you guys?” Passion glanced at Edge and then looked away.
    “Everyone.” Edge and Ganymede spoke at once.
    Edge elaborated. “Immortals are forever, and over the millennia we’ve pissed off lots of them. But if they’re powerful enough to take our minds, then why not just come out shooting?”
    “We’d better hope it’s someone already at the castle, because if the bastard is strong enough to reach us over a distance, we’re shit out of luck.” If he’d been in cat form, Ganymede’s ears would have been pinned and his tail would have been lashing back and forth.
    Sparkle looked thoughtful. “I’ll have Bill go over the people staying here. Since this has been happening for a few weeks, I’ll have him check for anyone who’s been here for a while.”
    Dacian said what Edge knew they all were thinking. “How do we keep Edge from going off on us again?”
    Edge couldn’t let that go. “What about Ganymede? Tonight I was the target. Maybe next time it’ll be him.” He glared at Ganymede. “And don’t give me any crap about you being stronger than me. What got into my head tonight was powerful enough to take you down too.” He grinned. “Of course, what challenge is there in possessing someone who only thinks about ice cream?”
    “He thinks about other things.” Sparkle’s smile was all sexual. Then she seemed to remember her mad and stopped smiling.
    Ganymede finished

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