Wicked Souls
that was Adam. Ancient or new, love was love. I didn’t blame her for trying to get
him back. I didn’t blame him for loving both of us.
    Still, if he missed this meeting, I was
going to kick his ass.
    Using my cell phone, I called and left him a
message to that affect.
    Keisha and Liddy were standing at a card
table set near the communion table, which they’d covered with a
white cloth. I wasn’t sure, but it looked like a sheet cake was
centered on it. There were also plastic cups and a punch bowl with
strawberry-colored liquid in it. A party? For me? Aww. That was
sweet and damn if I wasn’t going to enjoy it. This was the moment
I’d been waiting for, and I was going to make my six-month
anniversary no matter what. Half my soul might even depend on it if
Eve was telling the truth. Which she probably wasn’t, but I could
hope, right?
    As I stood in the doorway watching my fellow
Witches Anonymous members talking, laughing and bustling around, a
renewed sense of purpose lit under my breastbone. In approximately
five minutes—and regardless of my soul’s status—I was going to be a
six month-er. I took a deep, satisfying breath and smiled.
    From the pulpit, Marcia’s high-pitched voice
rang out. “People! Quiet down. It’s time to start.”
    The first five pews filled with members as
Marcia continued to herd them from the pulpit. A few sponsors
besides Father Leonard were also attending. Once everyone was
seated, Marcia began the meeting with the usual, “First things
first.” Updates, announcements and reminders. She also threw in a
lavish thank you to Father Leonard for use of the church, being
sure to add the unnecessary fact that the reason we were there was
because the health inspector had closed down my shop.
    That Marcia. Always so supportive of me.
    Keisha, Liddy, Father Leonard, Emilia and I
occupied the first pew on Marcia’s left. After the group said the
WA version of the serenity prayer, she started the roll call at the
pews to her right. While the other members stated their name, how
long they’d been magic free, and what step in Witches Anonymous
they were working on, I eyed the cake. On top of the white frosting
were colorful icing flowers and the words, Congratulations on
the Big Six, Amy!
    I’d never had a fancy sheet cake before, not
even for a birthday. This one was so beautiful and elegant, I
didn’t want to cut it. That is, until Liddy leaned over and
whispered in my ear, “We had the baker shave Dove chocolates into
the fudge batter.”
    My mouth watered and I checked the corners
for drool. Phew. Caught it just in time.
    As introductions droned on, my stomach felt
empty. Too empty. I needed to eat. How long was this going to take? It was unusual for lots of members to attend, but I guess seeing a
fellow ex-witch achieve the six month mark was inspiring. Cake and
punch didn’t hurt either.
    While I appreciated all their support, a
prickly sensation was inching its way under my skin. Goose bumps
rose in response. A moment later, I realized the empty feeling in
my stomach wasn’t from hunger, but dread. Without warning, a
nervous twitch set up shop under my right eye. How annoying. I
pressed a fingertip against it, trying to make it stop. It twitched
harder. My magic reacted, and began pulsing along with the nerve
    My magic, like me, didn’t lie. Doom. Disaster. Catastrophe. Something was about to happen.
    I glanced over my shoulder, scanning all the
faces in the nave. No demons there. No angels either. And
definitely no cats. My gaze went to the double doors in the back. Father Leonard had closed them and beyond their stained-glass
windows, the vestibule was dimly lit but showed no approaching
    Stop being neurotic, Amy. My nerves
relaxed a bit and I went back to staring at the cake.
    The introductions finally reached me and I
faced my counterparts. “My name is Amy Atwood, and I’ve been magic
free for six months. Tonight’s my anniversary.”
    Everyone clapped and

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