Wild Rodeo Nights

Wild Rodeo Nights by Sandy Sullivan

Book: Wild Rodeo Nights by Sandy Sullivan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sandy Sullivan
Tags: Siren Classic
thinking? It doesn’t matter. He’ll leave today, and I’ll be right here in Silver Ridge, taking care of the store and Jess until I’m so old no one will want me anyway.
    “Carrie, are you all right?”
    “Yeah, Cole. I’m fine. I just need to get ready to go. There’s coffee downstairs if you want some.”
    She heard his footsteps retreat out the door of her room and down the stairs. Sighing heavily, she turned on the water, washed her face, put on her makeup and pulled her hair back. Stepping back into her room, her gaze stopped on the bed with its tangled sheets and the scent of sex in the air. She shook her head.
    It won’t do any good to linger on what happened. It’s done, over, and he’s leaving.
    Grabbing some clean clothes, she slipped on her jeans and blouse before heading downstairs for a light breakfast and coffee. “What are you doing?” She laughed when she spotted Cole. He didn’t seem the type to cook and here he was, scrambling eggs on the stove.
    “Cooking. What’s it look like?” He smiled as their eyes met, flashing those devastating dimples in her direction, making her heart skip a beat. “Coffee is on the table. This will be ready in a minute.”
    “You are making me breakfast?” She cocked an eyebrow, and her lips lifted at the corners. When she took a seat at the dining room table, she was surprised to find the coffee doctored exactly the way she liked it.
    “Sure. I figured you could probably use some before you go to the store.”
    He dished up the eggs and put some toast on the plate along with a couple of pieces of bacon before he sat it down in front of her. Bending down, he stole a quick kiss before he took the other seat across from her.
    A piece of meat crunched between her teeth while she studied him. He confused her with his behavior and attentiveness. Wasn’t he supposed to just get dressed and leave? Not that she normally had short-term relationships, but that’s what she always heard anyway. He sure didn’t seem to be in any hurry to go.
    “Where is the next rodeo?”
    He flashed a grin before he answered. “Are you trying to get rid of me?”
    “N–no,” she stammered and dropped her gaze to her plate.
    He put a finger under her chin, forcing to her to look at him. “I’m kidding, Carrie. Jimmy and I are headed to Crawford, Nebraska. There is a rodeo this coming weekend.”
    “Oh." Damn it! Jimmy needs to own up to his responsibility, but I shouldn't get Cole involved. It's not fair to him. He is Jimmy's friend, though.
    Cole cocked his head to the side and stared. "What's wrong, Carrie?"
    "You're Jimmy's friend, but…"
    "Jess hasn't told me if she's talked with him about the baby, but tell him he needs to do right by her. Otherwise, she'll get a paternity test when it's born, and he'll be forced to at least pay child support.”
    "I'll tell him."
    "Where are you going after Crawford?" Catching her lip between her teeth, she chewed it for a moment. She wanted to feel nonchalant about Cole's leaving, but something tugged at her insides, something she didn’t want to think about it.
    His fingers raked through his hair, and her hand itched to comb an errant curl back in place. "Does it matter?"
    "Never mind. It's none of my business."
    The rest of their breakfast was eaten in silence even if she could feel every time his gaze rested on her face. When they were both done, she grabbed the plates and slid them inside the sink.
    A moment later, he pressed against her back and his lips brushed her neck. Shivers rolled down her spine and she tipped her head, desperately wanting his mouth on her skin.
    Good Lord, I'm pathetic for wanting him like this.
    "I wish we had time."
    "I've never wanted anyone like I want you, Carrie. I can't seem to get enough."
    “Oops. Sorry.”
    Jessica stood in the doorway when Carrie turned. “It’s okay, Jess. Cole was just leaving.”
    A frown swept across his face before he said,

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