Wildest Hearts

Wildest Hearts by Jayne Ann Krentz

Book: Wildest Hearts by Jayne Ann Krentz Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jayne Ann Krentz
Tags: english eBooks
from the States. The incident was not deliberately kept secret, but the island authorities handled everything very discreetly. It never made the Seattle papers.”

    “There was shooting? Someone was killed? My God. Daniel never said a word,” Annie raged. “He could have been hurt. I'll strangle him. Why didn't he tell me what happened?”

    “Probably because he knew you'd overreact.” Oliver looked at her. “The way you're overreacting now.”

    “I am not overreacting. I'm furious.”

    “Annie, it happened five years ago.”

    “All the same, I should have been told. I'm his sister. Daniel had no right to keep me in the dark like that.”

    “He was obviously only trying to protect you. He didn't want you worrying about him.”

    “I don't need that kind of protection.” Annie scowled. “I certainly hope you don't intend to try to keep things from me for my own good.”

    “Take it easy, Annie.”

    “I mean it, Oliver. I will not be treated as anything less than a full partner in this arrangement you and I have made. Is that clear? This whole thing was my idea right from the start and we'll do things my way. I don't want to be shielded or protected.”

    He pondered that for a long moment. “I'll keep your wishes in mind, naturally. But I doubt that you need to be kept fully informed of all the day-to-day details of running Daniel's business. It would be a cumbersome arrangement. And you have your own business to look after.”

    Annie nearly choked on her outrage. She took three steps forward and grasped the ends of Oliver's unknotted tie. “Now you listen to me, Oliver Rain, we're in this together. I thought you understood that. We're going to function as a team or not at all. Got that?”

    He looked down into her fierce eyes. “I don't do business quite that way.”

    “You do now.”

    He smiled faintly. “Annie, you married me to gain my expertise. Let me do my job.”

    “But I want to be kept fully informed. I want to be involved in the decision-making process. I'm supposed to be learning the ropes, just in case, remember?”

    “That will be impractical, Annie. Especially at this stage. Daniel's creditors and investors are expecting to see only me at the helm. And to be frank, I won't have time to run Lyncroft Unlimited and teach you how to manage it at the same time. At least not now.”

    “But, Oliver…”

    He touched her cheek. Her skin was as soft as velvet. “Trust me, Annie. I told you I'd take care of everything for you, didn't I?”

    “Well, yes.” She frowned. “But I thought we'd be a team.”

    “I've never been a team player.”

    “This is a fine time to tell me,” she muttered.

    “Can't you bring yourself to put your trust in me?” he asked softly.

    She released the ends of his tie and stepped back. “I'm overreacting, aren't I?”

    “A little,” he agreed.

    “I'm tense.”


    She bit her lip. “I'm scared, Oliver.”

    “I know.” He put out a hand to catch hold of her before he could stop himself.

    But Annie had already turned away and didn't see the move. He let his hand back fall to his side without touching her. Just as well, he thought. It was much too soon.

    Annie folded her arms beneath her breasts and gazed into the sea of green that surrounded her. “I've tried to tell myself that this plan of mine will work. Most of the time I'm convinced that everything will come out all right. Daniel will return safe and sound and his company will be in good shape, waiting for him. But sometimes, like tonight, I wonder if I'm just fooling myself.”

    Oliver didn't know what to say in response to that. He was virtually certain Daniel Lyncroft was dead, but he didn't have the heart to keep insisting on it. He settled for the one promise he knew he could guarantee. “You don't have to worry about Daniel's company. I'll take care of it for you.”

    She shot him a quick, searching look over her shoulder. “You understand, don't

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