Wildflowers of Terezin
hats and the occasional yarmulke. The ornate prayer hall normally seated around 650, with standing room for another 100. This morning plenty of open seats remained, but the nervous buzz told Hanne that Fru Lewenstein was right about one thing: Something was surely not as it should have been.
    "I think they're going to make some kind of announcement."Fru Lewenstein pointed toward the front. By that time Aron had found his usual place near the platform, but only nodded nervously when he looked up and picked them out of the crowd peering down at him from the balcony. Hanne raised a tentative hand in greeting.

    Finally Rabbi Melchior stood up in front, dressed not in his customary dark robes, sash, and tall pillbox cap, but in a rumpled black suit and tie that looked less pressed than slept in. And though he did at least wear a fedora, his hair stuck out to each side as if he had thrown it on in quite a hurry.
    What could be so wrong that he would not have dressed for the occasion? Hanne still could not guess.
    For a moment he stood fidgeting with his round-lens eyeglasses, pulling them off and then placing them back on his nose, then pulling them off once again. Eventually he got his glasses adjusted, so when he raised his hand the hall fell instantly silent.
    "Thank you all for coming," he said, his baritone ringing throughout the hall. It sounded more like a greeting at a funeral, rather than the prelude to a two-day high holy days celebration. He paused for a deep breath before continuing."But there will be no service this morning."
    A soft gasp of surprise spread through the congregation until he held up his hand once more to continue.
    "Instead, I have very important news to tell you. Last night I received word that Friday evening the Germans plan to raid Jewish homes throughout København to arrest all Danish Jews for shipment to work camps."
    Again he paused, as if gathering strength to continue. Fru Lewenstein winced in pain at the announcement, bringing her hands to her cheeks in shock. Others around her looked as if they had been slapped. Hanne couldn't bring herself to look at Aron's reaction, only kept her focus on the rabbi as he stood before the congregation and bravely went on with his announcement.

    "They know . . . they know that at the close of Rosh Hashanah our families would normally all be home. The situation is very serious. We must take action immediately.You must leave the synagogue now and contact all relatives, friends, and neighbors who are Jewish and tell them what I have told you. You must tell them to pass the word on to everyone they know who is Jewish. You must also speak to all your Christian friends, anyone you can think of, and tell them to warn the Jews. You must do this immediately, within the next few minutes, so that two or three hours from now everyone will know what is happening. By nightfall tonight we must all be in hiding."
    "In hiding?" asked one of the men up front. "But where? And for how long?"
    Several others added their agreement as the rabbi nodded.
    "Arrangements are being made right now for evacuations to Sweden. I am informed by . . . by sympathetic sources in the government that the Swedes are prepared to take in as many as are willing to come. So my recommendation is to find a secure hiding place near the coast, among people you can trust. We will all pray for a safe passage, and that we will be able to return home soon."
    Once again the men lobbed questions at one another, prompting the rabbi to raise his hands for silence. He straightened up his shoulders as if he'd found some measure of courage, and without warning began singing the words of the Shehecheyanu blessing.
Barukh atah Adonai, Eloheinu, melekh ha'olam . . .
Blessed are you, Lord, our God, sovereign of the universe . . .
    For a moment his voice wavered, as if he remembered how this blessing would otherwise have been part of a mealtime celebration, now abruptly cancelled. There would be

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