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Book: Willow by Donna Lynn Hope Read Free Book Online
Authors: Donna Lynn Hope
from Gunnison. They said there wasn’t much of a plan but that they usually got together at one of the campsites and would chill around a fire. That seemed odd to me in light of how cold it was, fire or not, but I agreed to go.
    Anne was on the phone when I came downstairs. I scooted past her to the entryway where I zipped up my white down coat and wrapped a red scarf around my neck. I pulled on matching red gloves and tucked my jeans into my worn-out boots, which had seen much better days. I heard Anne giggle and looked up as she said goodbye and closed her phone.
    “You look happy,” I observed, noting her flushed expression.
    “That was Jericho,” she murmured, smiling again. “He was calling to ask me to dinner tomorrow night.”
    “Guess he liked the cupcakes, huh?” I knew full well that Jericho had been quite taken with Anne, enough that he had warned Reece to be on his best behavior around me. “Are you going?”
    “I told him I would let him know tomorrow,” she said, a mischievous smile gracing her face, “But yes, I intend to go.”
    “You’re making him sweat!” I blurted out in amazement.
    “Like you said, I had to get his attention. The rest was up to him.” She winked at me as she passed by and simultaneously we both heard the blare of a horn.
    “Can’t they come up to the door?” Anne asked disapprovingly.
    As if she had been heard, a knock followed. Anne, with her hands on her hips, watched as I opened the door to see Reece standing there.
    “Sorry about that,” he said to Anne. “We were just playing around.” He gestured to Amber who was waving from the front seat.
    Smiling but shaking her head, Anne turned to me. “Well, I’m sure you’ll have fun but please be safe, and Willow…you know what time to be home.”
    After we said our goodbye’s I picked up my tin full of homemade candy and followed Reece outside. As we approached his truck I saw that Amber was beaming with excitement. Once I was settled in back she pointed to the small cooler next to me. “Our contribution.”
    While I briefly looked at the cans of coke and the bag of chips, Reece slid into the driver’s seat and checked to see if we were ready.
    After a twenty minute drive we pulled off from the main road and onto a single lane dirt road. In the distance we could make out the flickering of lights. At one point some branches brushed against the side of the truck, startling everyone except Reece who wore an amused expression as Amber and I giggled and teased each other for being so skittish.  When we drew near we saw there was quite a gathering already and while there were a couple of familiar faces, I didn’t know anyone else.
    After parking we gathered our folding chairs, candy and cooler and headed to the picnic table where all the food and drinks were kept. I knew people were watching but I didn’t feel comfortable looking at anyone. I felt a hand on my arm and heard Reece say, “Don’t worry. They won’t bite.”
    A smile touched my lips. “Their bite is not what worries me.”
    Reece stopped and was about to say something when he shook his head and chuckled to himself. Holding my chair I followed Reece to where Amber had set hers up. She was already mingling but I drew inward, wondering why I seemed to diminish in a crowd. Reece sensed my hesitation and stayed with me. After sitting down I began to look around. Amber was talking with an Asian girl I recognized from school. She was with another student, her boyfriend probably since his arm was around her waist. There were a few girls huddled together by the fire where they were roasting marshmallows. They laughed as one caught on fire. Some young men were behind them. The shortest, a stocky but very fit young man with black hair, was staring at the pretty red head who was concentrating on cooling her marshmallow by blowing on it. The fire warmed her pale skin and danced off her tight red curls. I didn’t mean to stare but I found her lovely to look

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