Wind Rider

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Book: Wind Rider by Connie Mason Read Free Book Online
Authors: Connie Mason
Tags: Romance
water. When the old woman spoke to Hannah in guttural Sioux, Hannah looked at her dumbly. Angered by Hannah’s inability to understand, the old woman picked up a thin stick and began beating her about the shoulders and back.
    “She wants you to get the bowls and honey.”
    “I don’t know where to look.”
    “Inside the tepee. There is a deerskin pouch hanging on one of the back poles. Inside you’ll find bowls and a small amount of honey for the frybread.”
    Hannah hurried inside the tepee, and the old woman smiled broadly and nodded. When Hannah returned the woman was gone. Spotted Doe had taken her place. The Indian maiden’s dark eyes rested on Hannah, so filled with mal ice, Hannah stopped abruptly in her tracks. Hannah listened intently to the conversation between Wind Rider and Spotted Doe and didn’t need an interpreter to know that the woman was angry.
    “Cut Nose told me how you shamed our fami ly,” Spotted Doe said sourly. “Am I not good enough for you? Is there some other maiden you wish to join with? Perhaps you prefer a Cheyenne maiden. If you wish it, I will become your second wife.”
    “How could I take a second wife when I have no first wife? I have no plans to take a wife at this time.”
    “What about her?” Spotted Doe asked, ges turing toward Hannah. “Will your slave warm your blankets?”
    “If I wish it.”
    Rage seethed through Spotted Doe. “Is it because she has white skin like yours?”
    Wind Rider tensed. Never in all his years with the Cheyenne had his loyalty been questioned. “I am Cheyenne, brother to the Sioux. White men have destroyed my hunting grounds. They killed my mother, Gray Dove, and sent my tribe fleeing for their lives.”
    Spotted Doe flushed and lowered her head, aware that she had spoken rashly. “I did not mean to anger you. But I must warn you, Cut Nose is a vindictive man. For some reason he wants your slave. He has gone to the council to request that you be banished from the tribe. But if you join with one of our women, they will be more favorable toward you.”
    “I am not afraid to appear before the council. I have friends who will speak for me. No one can doubt my loyalty after fighting beside me in battle.”
    Spotted Doe smiled at him and placed a small hand on his arm. “I hope you are right. But if they decide they need further proof, joining with one of our women will convince them of your loyalty. My family is willing for me to join with you, and since you have no horses to offer as a bride price, Cut Nose will gladly accept your slave.”

Chapter Six
    Hannah knew by the fierce scowl on Wind Rid er’s face that Spotted Doe had angered him. But she didn’t have time to question him because Coyote arrived, dismissing Spotted Doe with a wave of his hand. Hannah squatted beside the fire, wishing she could understand.
    “I have just come from the council,” Coyote told Wind Rider. “They will meet to consider Cut Nose’s allegations concerning your loyalty. Cut Nose fears you will betray us because you are white, but I know better, my brother. Your heart is pure Cheyenne.”
    “Thank you, Coyote. When is the council to meet?”
    “They will meet tomorrow when the sun is at its highest. They will hear Cut Nose first, and then you will be called upon to defend yourself. I think Cut Nose is jealous of you. He wants your slave,” Coyote confided, cast ing a surreptitious glance at Hannah. “He is telling everyone that his family has suffered great embarrassment because you refused to join with his sister/’
    “I do not wish to take a wife/’
    “It would be wise if you reconsidered,” Coyote advised. “Cut Nose is willing to accept your slave in lieu of a bride price.”
    “The council has no reason to question my loyalty,” Wind Rider repeated. He cast a sidelong glance at Hannah. “I will not give up my slave. The council may question me all they like; I have nothing to hide. I have never giv en them any cause

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