Victoria's Challenge
she puts it into the solution.
    “You can’t really believe… ” He hisses as she hits a tender spot.
    “Tender there?”
    “Yeah.” After a few minutes of her fingers working the spot, the tension eases. He relaxes again.
    “Victoria… ” He watches her frown.
    “What?” s he replies distracted.
    “Why would you say that?”
    “Say what?” The eyes that look over her shoulder at him are intense.
    “That we aren’t family, not friends.”
    “Because we’re not.” She looks back to his hand. “I need to concentrate here if you want back in a Blade.”
    “You think that matters to me more than you?” Is that what she took from their ‘conversation’? Is that why she never came to talk to him? She thinks she doesn’t matter to him. He touches her thigh and feels her fingers momentarily pause.
    “Victoria ,” he whispers.
    “How’s the pain? ” She refuses to let him distract her.
    “Not a bad as the other. ” He realizes and frowns. “Why is that?”
    “One, the shot, and two you didn’t use it as much. We’ll have to change that, but not today.” Lifting his hand, she inspects it. Satisfied, she gently dries and wraps it. When she goes to move away, he traps her.
    “Answer the question ,” he demands.
    Victoria looks into the eyes she loves , seeing the demand and concern there. Is it concern? She doesn’t trust her instincts concerning him anymore.
    Lucas sees nothing but flat green eyes.
    “We are not family or friends, Major. Of course, you care. That’s the type of man you are. However, you also want to fly again, that’s why you’re tolerating the treatments and me. You’ve always been willing to do what’s necessary to reach your goal.”
    “That’s… ” Lucas finds he can’t breathe.
    “The truth . And honest.” She meets his eyes straight on. “I’ll get you back in a Blade Major. I owe it to you and the High Admiral.”
    “For everything you’ve done and put up with for the last nine cycles.”
    “You think we’ve been keeping fucking track!” Lucas isn’t sure if he’s more shocked or angry. “So one day you could pay us back! That’s not how families work!”
    “But we’re not family ! We’re strangers, right? I grew up.” This time when she moves, he doesn’t stop her.
    What has he done ? In his anger, in his half-truths, in protecting himself, he’s led her to believe he doesn’t care about her. That he never had. This is what his father had been trying to tell him. She called him High Admiral not Uncle. How that must have hurt his father, he knows he loves her like a daughter. For her to pull that, to feel that she had to… just how badly had he hurt her? Rising, he goes to find her but instead finds an empty room.

Chapter Five
    Entering Emans , Victoria walks up to the bar. She doesn’t know why she’s here. She just knows she can’t go back to quarters.
    “What can I get you?” the bartender asks.
    “ Carinian Ale.”
    “Make it two. ” Turning, she finds Dodge sliding onto the stool next to her.
    “Chamberlain.” When the drinks arrive, he pays before she can.
    “No problem. Or is there?” Dodge turns, not letting her break his gaze as he sips his drink.
    “Why would there be a problem , Lieutenant?” Her eyes remain emotionless.
    “Because you used to call me Dodge.”
    “That was my mistake. That’s what your friends and colleagues call you.”
    “And you’re not one of those?”
    “I’m not a member of the crew, as for a friend...” She gives a small grimace. “That’s doubtful after what I did to Tanner.”
    “You mean get ting him back the use of his hands?”
    “I mean all the pain I caused him. ” She sips her drink. Dodge looks at her then decides to take a chance.
    “I remember the first time I saw you. ” Her stiffening tells him he has her attention. “You were standing in that meadow, surrounded by flames, scared out of your mind. I knew there was no

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