Victoria's Challenge
way I could set that Raptor down. I knew I was going to watch you die, horribly. Then your Aunt was hanging upside down, outside the Raptor, reaching for you. The Admiral struggled to hold onto her.” He sees the memory in her eyes.
    “The next thing I know , she swings you up and you’re in Lucas’ arms. From then on, you were never far from his side. He was never far from yours.”
    “I was a child ,” she says dismissively.
    “You’re not now. ” He hears the tightness in her voice.
    “No, I’m not.”
    “I’ll be honest…”
    “Oh please, it seems to be on the menu lately. ” The sharpness in her voice tells him he’s hit a nerve.
    “Okay, I’m surprised you and Lucas haven’t gotten together yet. The man’s been in love with you from the start.” The flash of pain he sees in her eyes, before they go flat, shocks and surprises him.
    “You obviously don’t know him as well as you think. ” Finishing her drink, she goes to rise.
    “Wait! ” Dodge grips her arm, refusing to let go until she looks at him. “I’ve known the man since we were first cycle cadets.
    “Over twenty cycles. ” She slowly sits back down.
    “Yeah, I was there when he came back to the Retribution after the Challenge . I’ve watched him wait for you grow up.” He holds up his hand ordering two more drinks.
    “Look , I know you’re trying to help your friend.”
    Dodge interrupts her . “I consider you my friend.”
    “You don’t know me.”
    After a moment, Dodge holds out his hand. “Hi, I’m Lieutenant Nick Alders. My friends call me Dodge.” He watches her struggle then come to a decision.
    “Victoria Lynn Chamberlain, my friends call me Tori. ” She slips her hand into his and smiles, the first natural smile she’s had in what seems a long, long time.
    “Victoria? ” Distracted, she turns to find Jager standing behind her.
    “Jager? ”
    “Yeah, I came early to get a table . You can come over with me, now.” His eyes Dodge angrily.
    “What ? Oh, maybe later, thanks.” Not realizing she’s dismissing him, she turns back to Dodge.
    “She said maybe later.” Victoria frowns as the two men glare at each other before Jager backs down and storms away. “He calls you Victoria.”
    “What? ” She gives him a confused look before realizing where he’s going. “He’s the uncle of my students.”
    “And your point?”
    “He thinks he knows me.”
    “You’ve had that happen to you a lot haven’t you? ” Dodge watches as she just looks at him. “Because of who you are. What you did, standing before the Assembly, everyone saw that and because of it, they think they know you.”
    “Must make it hard to have real friends,” Dodge persists.
    “Do you ever complain?”
    “Sometimes. ” She smiles at him.
    A cross the room neither notice Jager’s glare.
    Victoria looks at her watch.
    “I need to go brace the Major’s hands for the night.”
    “I’ll go with you. ” Dodge stands with her. “He’s doing really well.”
    “He is ,” she agrees.
    “What’s the difference? ” Dodge can’t stop himself from asking.
    “Between the Major and Tanner?”
    “What? ” Dodge can’t contain his shock.
    “It was over twelve hours before anyone even found Tanner, Dodge, then another twelve before they got him to Comates. Because of the delay, he developed an infection, which delayed the start of his treatments. He was there almost ten days before he had his first treatment. I have still never seen tendons that fucking contracted come back. Sorry.” She gives him a sheepish look.
    “No. ” He waves it off. “Go on.”
    “ You’re sure?” At his nod she continues. “With the Major, he was in medical in twenty minutes, being given fluids and boosters. He had no infection, just a mild concussion. He started treatments within forty-eight hours of the burns. Therefore, while his tendons weren’t as tight as

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