Witch's Bell Book One

Witch's Bell Book One by Odette C. Bell

Book: Witch's Bell Book One by Odette C. Bell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Odette C. Bell
about Wonda's Witch Wonders. She had the cheapest and largest range of ceremonial candles in town, and she was always willing to order things in.
    After a moment the door creaked open an inch. 'Come in, Ebony,' a clear voice said.
    Ebony patted the door gratefully. 'Thanks Ruby.'
    Wonda's Witch Wonders was a lot like Harry's second-hand Bookstore; both stores were possessed by spirits of previous owners. But Ruby, unlike the cantankerous Harry, was a soft, gentle little spirit who always ensured there wasn't a speck of dust on the candle you'd pick up, and that there was always just enough light filtering in from the medieval chandelier above that you could easily read the ingredients list on all the herbal teas and tinctures.
    Ruby talked too, unlike Harry who would remain silent for months on end until he'd rattle in Ebony's ear 'there's a pigeon stuck in my chimney, go and tug it out, girl'.
    'How are you, Ruby?' Ebony asked gently, as she ran a hand over the line of beaded curtains that hung close to the door. Each bead glinted its deep colors under the soft flame of the chandelier.
    Wonda's Witch Wonders was a large enough store. Set on one sprawling level in a room with no windows. It had only one giant cast iron chandelier to light the whole place. But the chandelier wasn't run on electricity; instead it beamed out with a hundred, or more, lit candles. It cast such a soft, magical glow, that Ebony had always fancied taking one of the hand-woven blankets from off the shelves and curling up for a nap. She'd probably dream of dragons, she reasoned, or knights in shining armor.
    'Well,' Ruby answered with a tinkle of the beaded curtains, 'I am well. So are you – you are beaming.'
    Ebony smiled quite suddenly. It was one thing to receive a compliment from a human. Humans always wanted things, and you could never be sure they meant it. But when a disembodied spirit told you you were looking particularly fine, well, you could believe it.
    'Thank you,' Ebony's tone was joyous, appreciative, and genuine.
    'Here for candles?' Ruby spoke through the shine of the hundred candles above, 'or love potions?'
    Ebony chortled. 'Love potions, since when have I ever had to buy a love potion from you, Ruby? I really don't think it's possible for anyone not to love me,' she flapped a hand at her chest.
    Ruby didn't answer.
    'I'm here for candles,' Ebony walked confidently over to the six or seven shelves that were simply packed with candles of all shapes, sizes, and origins. She picked up a curious eye-shaped candle from Korea. It was black with a suspended golden orb in the center. 'You have new stock,' she said distractedly. 'I have to say, I like it.'
    'We are soon to be in the Month of Rites,' Ruby intoned through the still air of the shop, 'so I've been sure to stock up.'
    'Hmm,' Ebony nodded, 'of course. I've been so busy lately that I'd almost forgotten-'
    'A witch can never forget the duties of the Coven,' Ruby said automatically.
    Ebony put up a hand. 'I was joking. Of course I haven't forgotten about the Month of Rites, and I'm well aware of my duties. I guess all I'm saying is I haven't put a lot of thought into it this year. I've had so many other distractions this past month that I haven't really been with it.'
    'The Month of Rites is the most important time of all the year,' Ruby spoke through the mouth of a skull candle, its lifeless eyes twinkling. 'You must give it all the importance you have.'
    Ebony smiled politely. 'Look I know, I'm a witch too, remember? I guess I've just gotten side-tracked.'
    'Then now you must get re-tracked. The Month of Rites imbues your magic with purpose. Without the Rite, Ebony, you are at risk. If you do not know which direction you travel in, you cannot know when you become lost, or when another leads you astray,' Wonda said ominously. 'So it is very important, what will you Rite this year?'
    Ebony picked up a simple beeswax candle and traced a finger over the latticed pattern embossed into

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