Worth the Wait (Sexy Nerd Boys #1)

Worth the Wait (Sexy Nerd Boys #1) by K. M. Neuhold

Book: Worth the Wait (Sexy Nerd Boys #1) by K. M. Neuhold Read Free Book Online
Authors: K. M. Neuhold
stomach gently before he returns to slowly pulling my pants down my hips. He moves his mouth down to sear kisses in the wake of my pants. I’m too afraid of his reaction to enjoy his touch. My heart continues pounding and it’s difficult to breath. He’s going to be so disgusted. Finally, he looks down at my bare legs and I flinch awaiting his reaction. He traces some of the scars with a feather light touch of his fingers and a tears spring to my eyes.
                  “Abby,” Before I know it we’re face to face again. He hovers over me and puts a finger under my chin to direct my gaze towards him. “You are beautiful, every damn inch of you.”
                  Emotion wells in my chest. I don’t want to put a name to what I’m feeling. I nod and wait for his next move.
    He kisses me more gently this time. His lips are softer against mine than before. Is he feeling the same thing I am? He did say that he didn’t usually kiss women because it would make them think they mean something. Does that mean I mean something to him? This thought stops me in my tracks. Or, maybe I don’t mean anything and this is exactly what he was saying. Here I am thinking he’s falling in love with me just because we’re swapping spit. I don’t know which is worse: either I actually mean something to him, or I don’t mean anything to him and I’m an idiot.
                  “What’s wrong?” He asks sensing my sudden withdrawal.
                  “I think this is a bad idea.”
    I want him too much, this can only end badly. There’s no way I’m anything more than a hook up to him. And, I know I’ll just end up hurt if this goes on for another second.
    “I think you should go. Good night Ethan.”
    I roll away from him and hope that he just leaves. Unfortunately, another stupid part of me hopes he doesn’t leave. Part of me hopes he fights for this. After a minute of silence I feel him get off the bed and leave. A silent tear rolls down my cheek.
                  I force myself not to turn around and go back. I make my way quickly to my own apartment before punching a wall. I fucked everything up. She asked me to kiss her, but I should have said ‘no’. She was too high to know what she really wanted and now she’s never going to speak to me again. I should never have pushed her like that.
    Fuck my fucking life.
    But, fuck, that kiss...it was better than I had imagined it would be. And, I have an extremely vast imagination when it comes to Abby. Dammit, that kiss definitely ruined me for any future lip locks I might’ve shared with anyone else.
    I don’t get what happened. It seemed like she was into it until the end. Maybe I pushed too far. Maybe I rushed things. God damn it! I slump down on my couch and try to catch my breath. I could not have fucked things up worse.
                  I can’t help but think back to a few minutes ago when I was in fucking heaven. It felt so right being with Abby, touching her and kissing her. I’ve been with a lot of women, but nothing has ever felt that right before.
                  I can’t believe she thought I would care about the scars on her legs. I mean, I do care, but not because I have a problem with them. I’m dying to know what happened. How long has she had those scars? Is that the reason she doesn’t get close to men, because she’s afraid for anyone to see them? Where did they come from? Do they have anything to do with her asshole ex-boyfriend? Is that why she suddenly kicked me out, because she felt too vulnerable with her scars on display? So many fucking questions running through my head.
    Then, it occurs to me that if I have fucked up as badly as I think I have then there’s no way I could make this worse. I grab my phone.
    Ethan: I have an emergency…
                  I hold my breath as I wait for a response.
    Red: Have you heard the story of

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