You're Strong Enough

You're Strong Enough by Kassi Pontious

Book: You're Strong Enough by Kassi Pontious Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kassi Pontious
Tags: Religión
start asking Him to help you. Ask Jesus Christ to begin healing you.
    Then write down the trials you have overcome and post that somewhere you can read it everyday. This will give you strength when you feel discouraged.
    Your third quest is to write down what you have learned from your past experiences and how they made you stronger. Then write down those experiences in your past that you are still dwelling on. Think about how you can learn from them, so you can move on.
    Your last quest for answers is for those of you who are being abused. Write down the names of those in your life that could help you get out of the abusive situation. Then I want you to pray for a miracle and go talk with one of them today.
    You are strong enough for your trials.
    God cannot take away mans’ free agency.
    You have the power to choose with perspective.
    Miracles have not ceased.

W hat does the quest for freedom involve? Don’t we have our freedom to choose? You do have the freedom to choose, and so do others who might unintentionally or intentionally hurt you. The freedom I am referring to is from the darkness that clouds our minds when we don’t forgive someone who has hurt us.
    Our Heavenly Father cannot take away anyone’s free agency, even those that hurt you. But He can give you a way to free yourself from the anger, hurt, and hopelessness.
    The all-powerful gift that can heal you when others have wounded you is forgiveness. The power of forgiveness can change everything. It can change your outlook on your future, your feelings about the present and your perspective on the past. When you forgive someone for their actions that caused you harm, you are given the power to melt away all of your negative feelings toward them (i.e., anger, resentment, hurt, abandonment, hate, revenge.)
    Have you ever been angry at someone and they had no idea you were mad at them? And that anger built up inside you, but it was not affecting the other person in the slightest. Or let me bring it closer to home. Let’s say you’re angry at your father for leaving the family. Whom is that anger destroying? For whom is the anger building up day after day until it is all-consuming? You. The dad, especially if he doesn’t know you’re mad at him for leaving, is probably unaffected by his hurtful actions.
    Unforgiveness hurts and affects the one feeling it the most. You may want to believe that being angry at someone because they hurt you will hurt them somehow. It doesn’t usually work that way. The negative feelings and emotions that come from unforgiveness will always affect you more than it could ever affect another.
    Being unforgiving in your life could do more damage to you now and in the future than any other act could. How? Unforgiveness is the underlining root to many, if not all, negative thoughts, feelings and emotions. Bad things happen to each of us at some point. Those who do not forgive the person that harmed them will find that the aftermath of negative emotions bring more darkness then the act itself could.
    When we allow unforgiveness to create dark mists (anger, hate) on our path home, we are giving Satan permission to help dictate our choices about what we will do with these negative feelings and emotions. For example, while walking along your path you come across another who hurts you deeply (rape). As you allow unforgiveness to consume your thoughts, feelings and emotions, you convince yourself to rebel against those who are just trying to help you tackle this vertical mountain. As a result of trying to scale this mountain alone, while the anger is blinding you, you fall. As a result, this unforgiveness brought negative feelings and results that ultimately caused you more harm.
    Another example, if you are really angry because your parents got a divorce and you feel you have every right to rebel against them and become reckless with your life, who is that hurting? If you are participating in illegal activities because of

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