04 Shadow Blood - Witch Fairy

04 Shadow Blood - Witch Fairy by Bonnie Lamer

Book: 04 Shadow Blood - Witch Fairy by Bonnie Lamer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bonnie Lamer
actually changed,” Dad says carefully.
    “No,” Isla says.  “It was simply necessary to perform the ceremony to abide by our laws.  They are doing nothing more than they had been in your care.” 
    Hmm, there may have been some implications there, but I think my parents are going to ignore them because Mom’s back to her normal size again.  Her blue eyes have stopped erupting in bursts of flames, and she doesn’t flinch this time when Dad puts his hand on her shoulder.  “Julienne, this has been a stressful time for all of us.  But, I don’t believe our daughter would make a lifelong commitment without consulting us first.”  He raises his brows in my direction.
    I take the cue.  “No, absolutely not.  If I ever do get married, I would want you both there.  I’d never do it behind your back.”
    Mom’s translucent chest puffs out as she takes a deep, calming breath.  Or at least, seems to.  Ghosts don’t breathe.  “Xandra, I apologize that I overreacted and didn’t give you a chance to explain.”
    She isn’t quite looking at me, but I know she means it.  I think it’s her turn to be a little embarrassed now.  She doesn’t usually lose control like that.  “It’s okay, Mom.  I know it sounded bad if you don’t know what left hand-fasting is.”
    Mom nods.  “I think I’ll go check on your brother.”  She makes a hasty exit through the now open door.  Dad gives me a reassuring look and then follows her out.
    As soon as they’re both out of the room, I say to Isla, “Thanks for helping with that.  I’ve never seen my mom so mad before.”
    Isla smiles.  “As your father said, these have been stressful days.”  Changing the subject, she adds, “Dinner will be in the formal dining room in half an hour.  Please be prompt.”  She turns on her heel and follows my parents out of my room.
    With a big sigh, I flop back onto the bed.  “I thought I was a goner there for a minute.”
    Kallen half chuckles.  “I believe I would have been the first casualty.”
    I turn my head so I can see him better.  “Yeah, you’re probably right.  I wouldn’t have been too far behind you, though.”  Sitting back up, I say, “I should check on Alita if she’s still here.  I hope her head is feeling better.”
    Kallen stands up and stretches and I can’t help but grin at his lean muscular frame.  Yeah, he’s still gorgeous.  With a smirk to show that he caught me admiring him, he holds his hand out to me, pulling me off the bed.  He keeps pulling until he can wrap his arms around my waist, pulling me close.  “Just one more kiss,” he says with a sexy grin.  “Since you seem to find me so irresistible.”
    I give the door a quick glance before lifting my face towards him with a smile.  He is irresistible, and his kiss is gentle and sweet and heavenly.  Nothing anyone would get too mad about if they walked in on it.  Pulling back after a moment, he says, “Alita is just down the hall.  I’ll see you downstairs in a few minutes.”  He can sense the presence of other Fairies.
    I nod and follow him out the door to the room next to mine.

    Chapter 9
    “Come in,” Alita says, answering my knock.
    I open the door and peek my head around it.  “Are you feeling up to company?”
    She’s sitting in a chair reading a book.  “I’m fine.  Tabitha is just being a bit overprotective.  She sent a message to my mom that I need to spend the night here.”
    “What does she think caused your headache?  The stress of being in the same room as Kegan?” I tease.  I come into the room and flop down in the chair next to hers.
    Her cheeks pink a little.  “I have no idea what you are talking about.”
    I laugh.  “Uh huh.  What are you reading?”  The thought dawns on me that I haven’t been in the library on the second floor yet.  Kallen says

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