100 Days of Right Believing: Daily Readings from The Power of Right Believing

100 Days of Right Believing: Daily Readings from The Power of Right Believing by Joseph Prince

Book: 100 Days of Right Believing: Daily Readings from The Power of Right Believing by Joseph Prince Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joseph Prince
issue was not understanding the grace of my wonderful Lord and Savior. When I saw the finished work of Jesus, I realized that God is not up there with a big stick waiting for me to mess up so that He can beat me with it.
    As I continued reading your book and feeding on the gospel of grace, I was set free from a five-year drug addiction in just five days! And I know it’s all through the sweet, sweet grace of Jesus being revealed in my life.
    Thank you, Pastor Prince, for your book, resources, and sermons. I want to know this God of grace more, and I want my family to also knowHim as a God of grace and not a God of law who condemns His children. I have never known a loving God as I do right now!
    Can you see how powerful living with a consciousness of Jesus’ forgiveness can be? Sin has no dominion over your life when you are under grace. Sin cannot take root in your life when you are established in God’s forgiveness. Receiving His forgiveness and gift of righteousness puts you in a cycle of victory over sin, whereas those who receive condemnation for every wrong thought in their mind enter into a never-ending cycle of defeat. Do you see the difference?

Today’s Thought
    Sin has no dominion over my life when I am under grace.

Today’s Prayer
    Father, thank You for unveiling to me the sweet, sweet grace of Jesus and the gift of righteousness that is mine through His finished work. I receive Your forgiveness into my heart today, and I thank You that as I live conscious of Your grace in my life, sin shall have no dominion over me. Amen.

The Unforced Rhythms of Grace

    Today’s Scripture
    “Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”
    M ATTHEW 11:28–30 T HE M ESSAGE
    D o you feel as though you are trapped on a never-ending treadmill based on your own efforts to try to earn God’s forgiveness, God’s approval, and God’s acceptance? That is Christian religion. If you are trying to earn your own forgiveness and thinking that God is constantly mad at you, I am here to tell you that is not the heart of God.
    When Jesus spoke of “the unforced rhythms of grace,” He means that there is an ease and enjoyment when you walk in His grace. This is in contrast to the struggle and strain found in self-effort. There is such rest when you know there is nothing you can do to earn His forgiveness. Give up on your own self-righteousness, which the Bible describes as “filthy rags” (Isa. 64:6), and with open arms and an open heart, receive His forgiveness!
    The key to getting out of a cycle of sin and defeat is to receive and to stop beating yourself up. Receive and stop punishing yourself because your sins have already been punished on the body of another—His name is Jesus, our beautiful Lord and Savior. No wonder the gospel is called the
good news
    When you understand God’s grace and forgiveness, you will understand the difference between obligation and relationship. Under the old covenant of the law, right living is done out of religious obligation. Under the new covenant of grace, every thing we do today is birthed out of an inward motivation that flows directly from a love relationship with Jesus.
    My friend, God is not a legalist. He doesn’t want you to read His Word just because He said so, as a religious obligation. He wants you to experience His love and spend time in His Word because you
want to
enjoy His sweet presence. You can read His Word out of legalism and to try to earn God’s forgiveness and acceptance, or you can do it out of relationship because you know you have been forgiven. The reality is, when you don’t read the Bible, you should not be feeling guilty; you should be feeling

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