60 Minutes
skinny and sang songs of being hungry; the smile he kept on his little face and stories he told Jani’rah and Hanz made them fall in love with him. The oldest child was the eight year old that went out with their mother to dig in dumpsters looking for food, spare change, or anything useful they could use in the house. She was very protective of her mother and her little brothers; she also had bags under her eyes and the way she devoured the pizza they ordered, let Jani’rah and Hanz know that none of them had eaten a decent meal in quite a while.
    Jani’rah and Hanz woke early the next morning to go to the bank and take money out for the family. Jani’rah couldn’t sleep all night as she thought about how they were living and how the kids slept on dirty blankets on the floor. She was anxious to pull all the money out of her account, which she had under Hanz’s name. Jani’rah had opened an account in New Mexico’s trust bank, in the event she would have to flee south. She also had accounts in Mexico, Puerto Rico, Haiti, and a few other countries and some under alias names so that they could not be traced. Being that Hanz was missing as far as the authorities were concerned, she was sure that there was an alert to watch out for him too. Both of them were wanted so she figured by the time they withdrew the money from the bank and gave it the family, they would have to immediately disappear and head to Mexico for good because someone would surely come looking for them.
    Hanz pulled up to the bank and hopped out, eager to get the money and go. They made it back to the small house and Jani’rah couldn’t wait to give the woman the money. She handed her a backpack and told her to take care. The woman opened the book bag and almost fainted. Her eight-year-old daughter took a peek inside and her eyes instantly filled with tears. It was filled with $100 bills; $100,000 to be exact.
    Hanz and Jani’rah washed up and said their good-byes, hitting the road headed further south. They got to the border of Texas before they realized a police car was following them.
    “Hanz, don’t you stop!” Jani’rah said as the lights went off and a voice commanded them to stop and pull over. Hanz sped along, listening to Jani’rah. He was looking for a chance to break away from the police cruiser’s line of view. The slow moving cars ahead of him made it hard.
    Pop .
    The back window broke into tiny pieces as the police shot it out. Hanz started to zig zag in and out of traffic, he was able to cut in front of a tiny Honda Civic; the driver laid on his horn like a man. Jani’rah watched as the Honda pulled over, making way for the police cruiser.
    “Shit!” she cursed. Jani’rah opened the glove compartment; there was only one way to get the police off their tale. She pulled out Hanz’s shot gun and positioned herself out of the window then started blasting. The first bullet tore through the police cruiser’s tire, causing the car to swerve. The second shot went straight through the window shield, hitting the officer in his head. The third shot brought the cruiser up in flames, followed by an explosion. Jani’rah was midway back into the car before its tires exploded and Hanz lost control of. She flew out the window and hit the ground hard. Police were on each side of the street; they laid out tire spikes to bring an end to the car chase.
    “Put your hands up NOW!” Several armed officers commanded Jani’rah as she lay in the dirt coughing from literally having the wind knocked out of her during her fall. Blood seeped out of her mouth, she moved her tongue around and confirmed that she had missing teeth. She laughed to herself as the thought of her being more concerned about missing teeth than being arrested consumed her mind.
    “She’s a fucking psycho! Put this bitch in cuffs!” An angry officer shouted, clearly upset that she murdered two officers and had the audacity to laugh. They snatched Jani’rah up roughly, not

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