A Forbidden Love

A Forbidden Love by Lorelei Moone Page B

Book: A Forbidden Love by Lorelei Moone Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lorelei Moone
threatened to buckle with the intensity of his affections. Out of breath and control, her mind went blank and she closed her eyes to focus on the pleasure he was intent on giving her.
    I'm sorry everything happened the way it did, but I love you,
she heard Jamie's voice in her mind.
    She wanted to respond, to say that things would work out somehow and she loved him too, but she couldn't muster the energy. Every fiber in her body was primed, so ready to let go.
    When he reached around and started to manipulate her clit, with his tongue still inside of her, it was all she could take. His hands were electric, his mouth was magical. He knew how to please her instinctively, effortlessly. She'd never had a lover like him before.
    Her release sneaked up on her, making her knees shake until she sunk down into the soft mattress, shivering and moaning in between labored breaths.
    I love you too,
she finally responded, when she found her wits again.
    He turned her over so they were facing each other and climbed on top of the bed as well. His hands cupped her face as he gazed into her eyes. His eyes were so blue, full of love and hope. In some ways he was still that wide-eyed boy from twenty years ago.
    "Crazy to think we've only been together for a few days," he whispered. "I can't imagine a life without you anymore."
    All the hairs on her arms stood up as he spoke.
    "I know. Tell me this won't change. Tell me our feelings will never fade..." Alison demanded.
    She knew what he was going to say, and that her question was unnecessary, but she couldn't get enough of his voice.
    "Never. Our bond will grow every day, the longer we are together. Every day we spend together will be better than the last."
    Alison closed her eyes and smiled, when his lips found hers once more.
    They spent the rest of the night making love, until inevitably, the two of them fell asleep in each other's arms.

Chapter Eleven
    "Morning, sleepyhead." Alison greeted Jamie with a smile on her face and steamy mug of coffee in hand.
    Jamie smiled, and stretched out the lethargy from his limbs. What a night.
    "You're up early," he remarked, stifling a yawn.
    "Not quite. But I couldn't bear to wake you earlier, you really are too cute when you're asleep."
    Jamie propped himself up on his elbows and gave her a sideways look. "If you say so. What's the time?" He leaned over and checked the alarm clock on the bedside table.
    "Whoa, eight already?" Within a split second, he was up and halfway across the room, heading straight for the en-suite.
    "At least have your coffee," Alison called after him.
    He didn't have much time. Normally he'd have turned up at work by now. The others would be wondering where he was and what he was up to. It was one thing for him to be involved with a human, another to rub it in people's faces.
    Jamie rushed through his morning routine and was ready in record time, though he did stop to take a big gulp from the mug Alison had poured for him. Extra sugar, just how he liked it. It was still hot, but just the right fuel to keep up his momentum.
    He gave her a quick peck on the cheek, grabbed his coat and was halfway out the door when he noticed someone waiting by the front steps.
    "Kyle! I was just heading out," Jamie said.
    Kyle brushed away his explanation with a casual hand gesture. "We need to talk."
    Shit, he wasn't about to get a lecture from a most unlikely source, was he? Jamie took a deep breath and straightened himself, well aware that with his shoulders pushed back, he towered over the man by at least a foot.
    "You know that thing you asked me to look into?" Kyle asked, retrieving the brown paper dossier from his shoulder bag. The same one Jamie had given him just days ago.
    "I've made some progress."
    Jamie allowed himself to relax a bit, though he couldn't quite read Kyle enough to figure out whether whatever he'd found out was good or bad news.
    "Not here. Please come in," Jamie said.
    Kyle nodded and followed him inside,

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